Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Message for Wednesday 7 September 2022

Wednesday 7 September 2022

}Hard Mysteries{

Moon in Aquarius

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Friday mid-morning

1 DHE watch (Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch extending to Oct. 17, getting worse when Mercury goes retrograde this Friday): I moved my bed yesterday. Then at night when actually trying to sleep in it I realized I had to move it back. REstore it to its original position. A lot of bother. Then, today, I had to REstart my computer when it froze up. Then my favorite news show kept fading away so that I had to reload it just at crucial points when I missed minutes of information. This was not a glitch in my system but in theirs. That stuff is happening, for you too most likely.

2 A judge’s decision to have a Special Master to oversee the proceedings of the FBI against Donald Trump is a RE move which should be good for Trump. In a way I predicted it when I said that the FBI really had NOTHING on Trump and would need as many lawyers as he does. This is partly because the FBI went too far in its raid on Mar-a-Lago, not having a warrant that covered all the things they did, which could make the resulting so-called evidence unusable in court.

3 Boris Johnson is forced to resign as PM of Britain. As I have mentioned, REsignations happen a lot more often in the DHE, regardless of the cause.

4 Electricity costs for individual households in Europe have doubled in some places over the past year. One out of six American households are behind on utility bills. Aquarius rules electricity, which became prevalent just after Uranus was discovered; look at the two wavy lines denoting the sign. Shock waves, and now sticker shock for consumers of that wavy commodity. This is, I believe, the square between Saturn and Uranus, which has been with us since January 2020. Uranus is in Taurus the sign of money in a broad way, and of the earth’s resources such as gas and coal. Germany is being forced to use more coal in the coming winter.

5 “Temporary” is a word to watch. Over the coming weeks some things in your life will be temporary rather than permanent, because they are “out of pattern” and maybe necessary for a while, then to fade away during the coming Bright Hermetic Epoch of two months beginning October 17.


The orangutan is dexterous, evolved toward humanity

With yet-unused resources. He can err in his strength

As can human beings even though a man with a red flag

Tries to warn them not to rush over a precipice.


A new path of realism in experience could open before

Them if they recognized it. An old man trying to reveal

The Mysteries sees that his efforts are vain if his

Students are so. Yet his vision remains pertinacious.


A few who catch it from him become proficient

In interpenetrating realms of reality, shifting

Their focus when expedient. Such versatility can

Bestow on them a complete control of events.


Hard is the life of a teacher whose students sleep.

Yet a few catch the torch and continue the race.


{Wednesday} {Hard Mysteries}

Cosmic Piper

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