Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Message for Thursday 22 September 2022

Thursday 22 September 2022

Clues for a New Fortnight

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Friday afternoon

/moon in Leo goes void-of-course at 4:08a PT | 7:08a ET | 11:08a UT

until it enters Virgo Friday at 0:55a PT | 3:55a ET | 7:55a UT

We have a full day of void-of-course along with the |difficult third| which is the moon’s opposition with Saturn. I am feeling this latter as I write on Wednesday as gloom, dispiritedness and lack of enthusiasm. That could be with us in spades on Thursday unless we are models of Pollyanna optimism. Don’t despair; the path winds disturbingly but can come back to a form which makes sense to you eventually.

A new Fortnight, based on the lunar nodes, begins Thursday at 6:22p PT | 9:22p ET, continuing through October 4. Here are a few of the Sabian symbols:

Mars in the previous fortnight: “A conversation by telepathy.” I experienced this as if floating in a pond of vibrations from various people, some known, some strangers, some living and some departed (still living though in a different mode), intimating to me various stimulating or uplifting link-messages. The new fortnight: “A cafeteria.” The keyword is Supply. This could be concern about worldwide supplies or necessary foodstuffs. In your personal life it could be examination of you diet and purchasing somewhat unusual foods, or other items, or doing so in an unusual way. We tend to function objectively with a focus on necessities.

Mercury in the previous fortnight: “A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.” This was Buckingham Palace and Balmoral Castle, but also any situation of your own where you felt the absence of those now missing, though you wanted to preserve their participation. The keyword was Guardianship. The new fortnight: “A boy with a censer.” Keyword: Rapture. “He makes his conscious appeal to God,” says Dr. Jones. “His motive is spiritual because he knows he must share any reality he cares to possess.”

Venus in the previous fortnight: “A bride with her veil snatched away.” This was an invitation to deeper intimacies, and I felt it in surprising connections, for example at a Meet-Up I attended. It was not always phallic or erotic but always invitational. The new fortnight: “A false call unheard in attention to immediate service.” We ought to focus on what can help people. “Immortality of the soul” is based on “human responsibility.” What would interrupt our deeper purposes should be rejected to safeguard others as well as ourselves.

The sun in the previous fortnight: “A royal coat of arms.” This was evident in all the media attention to the Royal Family. For you it was a realization of some of the prerogatives you have, which came as a pleasant surprise. The new fortnight: “The ideals of a man abundantly crystallized.” Is this in a person? That may seem too good to be true, but maybe. Is it in a group or project? Maybe. You may experience a personification of what you idealize, and it is good to follow such a footprint until one has exhausted or fulfilled its dazzling potentials. (It might help to make a short list of persons or situations “abundantly crystallizing” your ideals.)

{Thursday} Clues for a New Fortnight

Cosmic Piper

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