Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Message for Wednesday 28 September 2022

Wednesday 28 September 2022

~Groping out of Darkness~

Moon in Scorpio

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Friday morning

< moon leaves the Via Combusta at 8:51p PT | 11:51p ET | 3:51a(Th) UT

1 “A man either headless or with the head shrouded in back cloth” sounds like me when I listen to various news podcasts. Is Powell of the Fed “shrouded in black cloth” when he makes his moves such as raising interest rates to supposedly reduce inflation but promote recession? Some think so. Is Putin “headless” when he risks the ire of the Russian people by conscripting their young men at a crucial time of the year? Are Ukrainians “shrouded in black cloth” when required to vote in what seems to be a fake plebiscite approving a Russian takeover? Is Congress “headless” when it refuses even to ask what an additional $12,000,000 for “Ukraine” is really going to be used for? Officially, President Biden can use it any way he wishes, for any weapons or purposes, with no oversight by anyone else. Is Biden’s head free of the “black shroud”? Is the whole world “headless” at the risk of nuclear war which Putin continually holds before us? Who is working to prevent that? “Oh, just vote for more money for somebody to spend somehow.”

2 “Shellfish groping” might be the only life left on this planet after a nuclear war; but the symbol includes also “children playing” so apparently we can escape disaster if we find our heads. Actually “shellfish groping and children playing” is a pretty beach symbol and I hope some of us can enjoy such a scene. Life and consciousness emerge through their “absoluteness of attention to their own business of being” like the semi-conscious shellfish and children.

3 Divisions of labor in the world make for supply for everyone, as in “a cafeteria.” There have been strikes (one among railroad workers is looming) and some foodstuffs are in short supply in various places around the world. It’s a day when some may voluntarily restrain their appetites for the sake of health. A cafeteria dramatizes the power of rejection as well as selection.

4 “A man climbs a steep hill allured by light at the summit, but it proves to be only a meteor.” Speculative pseudo-inspirations can be misleading. Discrimination separates tares from wheat.

5 The exact trine of Mars with Saturn, now being joined by the sun to make a Grand Trine, gives power of consistent, patient, indefatigable (even if seemingly at a snail’s pace) achievement. “The ideals of a man are abundantly crystallized.” Someone you admire is inspiring you toward your gradual personification of similar ideals and meanings.

6 What do people really want? Jupiter looks huge in the night sky, in a degree symbolized by “Two lovers strolling through a secluded walk.” The world loves lovers enveloped in innocent enjoyment.

{Wednesday} ~Groping out of Darkness~

Cosmic Piper

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