Thursday, September 22, 2022

Message for Friday 23 September 2022

Friday 23 September 2022

\Freedom within Order, or Order within Freedom/

/moon in Leo is void-of-course

until it enters Virgo at 0:55a PT | 3:55a ET | 7:55a UT

|The karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 1:00p PT | 4:00p ET | 8:00p UT

The sun entered Libra (autumnal equinox) Thursday at 6:05p PT | 9:05p ET | 1:05a(F)UT.

Yesterday we discussed some of the symbols in the Fortnight chart which covers September 22 through October 4. Now let’s look at the closest aspect in that chart, the very long-lasting square between Saturn and Uranus. It is a monster, one of the worst aspects from the standpoint of comfort although it has a lot to teach us, and it began January 11, 2020 just before the beginning of the pandemic and lasts until January 24, 2023, a three-year run. It’s time to look at it in depth and ty to figure out what we are learning from it.

Here are concise words affixed to this aspect by Reinhold Ebertin: “inflexibility, provoking behavior, contradiction, dispute, animosity, estrangement, separation.” Sound familiar? We’ve had all that in spades, much of it connected with the pandemic (vax or no-vax, mask or no-mask, mandates, on and on) and much connected with the Russia-Ukraine conflict. I won’t even mention politics in the U. S. which is at a point of “animosity, estrangement and separation” I don’t think I have seen in my lifetime.

Just sit back and wait till this aspect ends by next February? Tempting, but let’s try to understand it better so we can live out its final months with more wisdom.

Grant Lewi writes about it as if to a person who has it in his horoscope: “You are a pioneer and in some way eccentric, independent in thought and action. Your independence doesn’t work very strongly for your success, and you have to learn cooperation, tact, and diplomacy. [Apply that now to certain world leaders and their actions during these three years.] There is a note of quarrelsomeness. None the less you are a strong and influential character. You are forceful in an electric sort of way and impress people even when they don’t like your manner or your methods. You must guard against a peculiarly destructive temper that underlies your disposition.” This could be applied to a lot of people I am thinking of, that is, how they have been acting during the past couple of years regardless of their personal horoscopes.

C E O Carter says that this aspect bestows “elements of genius or at least of talent.” But the person “may be something of a nuisance to common-sense people.” He or she is likely to seem contradictory, altering his or her theories between “rigid autocracy and anarchic freedom.” The rigid autocracy would be Saturn, the anarchic freedom Uranus. Whichever way the current flows, he is convinced he is right. Carter recommends that he (we) cultivate “the virtue of humility.” Otherwise there can be “violent, fitful, wayward traits of character.”

Robert DeLuce calls Uranus “the Lord of evolutionary progress” whereas Saturn is “property, position, social standing: Frequently only chains that bind a man to a treadmill existence. The hard aspects of Uranus to Saturn will free him.” I sense what DeLuce is trying to say but maybe he goes too far. The imposed structure of Saturn can profitably restrain Uranus when he gets too far out of line in revolutionary (not evolutionary), unrealistic directions.

Do you sense some of what all this could mean in you life? We have four more months to work with this tense yet potentially useful energy. Unfortunately, astrology alone cannot tell us who is ethically or politically right or wrong when there is such “revolutionary or evolutionary conflict.” We have to choose our own position and that could be one lesson we are learning. Who in the political sphere is promoting real freedom, and who is obstructing it? You have your answer; I have mine.

Isabel Hickey tries to reconcile the square between these two: “Uranus rules the spirit and the spirit is always free. Nothing can harm it yet it cannot operate in the outer world without a form or mold to contain it, Saturn.” It presses against the form when it feels change is needed. Yet it needs some form, maybe the changed one, for security and foundation.

{Friday} /Freedom within Order, or Order within Freedom\

Cosmic Piper

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