Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Message for Wednesday 14 September 2022

Wednesday 14 September 2022


Moon in Taurus

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until very late Thursday (early Friday)

1 Malaise, or just chaos? The stock market dropped by a huge four percent on Tuesday, the biggest drop in more than two years. Politics has heated up to the point that half of Americans are starting to believe the other half a threat to their security. Disputes are employing lawyers but do not seem good for anyone else. The U. K. and much of the British Commonwealth are in an extended mourning process for their Queen which mitigates business as usual.

2 “Out of pattern” is what is happening. I just got a call from someone inviting me to a meeting that is highly unusual and I accepted, because sometimes one has to go with Mercury’s seemingly erratic tendencies while it is retrograde. That can be creative, opening up areas of experience one had not considered before.

3 Delays. Much seems delayed. There is a new King, Charles, and my advice to him would be, calm down and don’t precipitate anything novel or untraditional for a while. He is considering a journey to all the Commonwealth nations. Fine, but I would say, Take your time planning that and let it simmer up to October 2 at least while Mercury is still retrograde.

4 Uncertainty. Where are my friends and associates? What is my agenda? When will I travel? All seems tentative.

5 Conflicts. This is partly the Venus square Mars aspect. It’s happening in politics and elsewhere. People can be pugnacious. “Your way and my way do not both fit on this highway.” So there has to be some kind of readjustment, which can be either separation or something more creative.

6 It seems that we need to overcome the fear of experience. Stalemate can be changed to something more thrilling. An experimentative approach to people can overcome their sensitivities and result in fascinating interaction.

7 Or, if alone and bereft, one can make life an art, organize things in a way which feels pleasing, utilizing Venus’s position as the Planet of Oriental Appearance (rising each day before the sun). Maybe you alone, and the elves and fairies, will notice the beauty you evince.

8 The |difficult third of this week| is at its peak but this does not have to be terrible. One may be angry or riled up over something, or feel that things drag on stressfully, but with the perspective of these eight points one might make a lemonade out of the lemon.

{Wednesday} /Lemonade\

Cosmic Piper

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