Monday, September 5, 2022

Message for Tuesday 6 September 2022

Tuesday 6 September 2022


Moon in Capricorn—>Aquarius

/moon goes void-of-course at 2:44p PT | 5:44p ET | 9:44p UT

until it enters Aquarius at 8:42p PT | 11:42p ET | 3:42a(W) UT

1 Yesterday we discussed the Venus square Mars aspect which began Saturday and continues through the 27th. Today I hear more comment on Human Events Daily about sex-change procedures performed on young children. This is abhorrent to me. And to most of us, I believe. People are waking up to its implications and harms and I believe there will be a lot of that during this Mars (male) square Venus (female) aspect.

2 A far different side of the same aspect is “friendly fighting” or semi-sadistic stuff with an erotic impulse behind it (spanking is one example). I believe this will be in evidence, whether other-sex or same-sex.

3 We should not forget about the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch continuing until October 17. It will be even more intense beginning Friday this week when Mercury turns retrograde until October 2. For me it has been little things, such as a glitch in my astrological program which forced me to restart it a few minutes ago, and last night I spilled a drink on some papers and the carpet. (Fortunately there seems no permanent damage, but it was not a happy moment.) You are not going crazy or senile if you have such accidents or if you seem forgetful and absent-minded.

4 People seem to move more often during the Dark Epochs. When Mercury slows down, people take stock and pack their things and move to a new home. This might seem paradoxical but it is something like this: The “clutch is out” during the Slow and Retrograde phases and so one can shift gears.

5 For me this has been something as simple as moving my bed to a different location, which I did today and feel good about it.

6 For Virgo individuals, this could be an actual move in many cases, or else remodeling, redecorating, or spending some time away from home. For them, preparation could be going on now but it may be more likely to happen beginning about Septembe4 17 and for a month after that.

7 On Bryan Dean Wright’s podcast today I heard that some research has shown that “just sitting and thinking” for a while, without phone or internet, has proved to improve moods, efficiency, and health. It’s interesting that he chose to present this during a Dark or Slow Epoch, a few days before Mercury goes retrograde.

8 If you were to “just sit” for five minutes, you would sit through one complete degree of the zodiac (on average) passing the eastern horizon, the rising degree. Fascinating fact: The average length of a popular song, and even some of Hayden’s symphony-movements, is around four minutes, or from three to five. Somehow without knowing it composers and singers have concluded that their songs should last for about the duration of one degree of the rising sign! (That is also one degree of the sign at the midheaven, or overhead point.)

9 Or, one could ask, How did the astronomers, astrologers, Pythagoreans and cabalists who devised the system of 360 degrees for the zodiac have known that centuries later musicians would craft their pieces to last for one degree of the earth’s daily rotation? Life is a mystery.

10 I wish you composure and peace of mind during these interesting times.

{Tuesday} /Composure\

Cosmic Piper

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