Friday, June 3, 2022

Message for Weekend of June 4-5, 2022, and the Epoch ending June 19

Weekend of June 4-5, 2022, and the Epoch ending June 19


The Dark Hermetic Epoch in which we have been floundering continues through June 19. Let’s look at the chart for that two-month period (it began April 26) to help us get through the next two weeks. The chart, I have found through assiduous research, is best set up for the center of the period, the moment Mercury conjoins the sun.

The planets cluster in three patterns, by rulership. One is Saturn plus the moon, which are close together in Aquarius, not pleasant for the moon because in Saturn’s sign. We are using Charubel’s symbols because of the three sets they are usually the most realistic and applicable in these two-month charts. The moon: “A man seated at a desk with account books before him. He has dark hair, projecting eyebrows, receding forehead, keen dark eyes.” There has been a lot of talk about business, inflation, gas prices, the cost of living, a falling stock market (down 4.37% since the beginning of the Epoch), and a mostly failing set of cryptocurrencies. The “keen dark accountant” has been busy figuring out investment strategy or household economy, and it has not been easy. The Saturn degree “has no symbol. A degree of mystery, allied to the fourth dimensional space. One who has something not in common with the rest of his race.” This could be unusual business or investment strategies, as in the case of Elon Musk whose Twitter deal has been wavering from here to there, with probably some hidden method in the madness. I know some individuals who have pretty wild schemes for the future, which may be delusional or not, though one needs to be skeptical of too-easy deals during any Dark Hermetic Epoch.

Another cluster of planets comprises Mars and Jupiter in mutual reception plus Mars ruling Venus. This is not conducive to peace (Venus the planet of peace is not at home in Aries) and many are complaining about the seeming endlessness of the Ukraine war and the seemingly endless stream of weapons the U. S. is providing, rather than a clear plan for winding down the serious danger. Of course there was also the hideous school massacre. Venus and Jupiter, the two benefic planets, are in Aries the sign of testosterone and seem to be producing too much of that biological substance. Also the NRA and other “constitutional gun-carry” advocates are stirred up, as well as their opponents. Jupiter’s symbol is “a man rushing along on horseback, sword in hand, to meet a company of armed men.” That needs no exposition. Charubel says it “shows more courage than discretion” and so brings “trouble through rash acts.” Mars near the end of Pisces: “A triangle with a round hole in the center.” “Secret notions, being false, render good intentions abortive.” This seems true of many young males, while two elderly ones, Noam Chomsky and Henry Kissinger, usually on opposite sides, agree that the Ukraine war needs to be brought under control by serious negotiation.

Venus, debilitated in Aries, has further problems from its symbol: “A comet with a very long tail, pointing towards the earth.” This could be “a notorious character who may become an instrument in the hands or evil powers, so as to bring evil on this earth generally, as well as on individuals in particular. If born in a high position, such persons may become the scourge of nations. Whatever their position, their influence will prove baneful.” We have had enough of that, have we not? Yet I cannot deny that this period has been a harrowing one for me personally, and for many I know. The question of why there could be “evil powers” is answered in different ways by apologists for G*d. Sri Aurobindo’s answer seems the best to me, though too complex for summarization. Others such as the Christian thinker Leibniz have written whole books on Theodicy or explanations of why what seems evil is not ultimately so in the sight of the Supreme. As for you and I in our daily lives, “just carry on” seems the simplest answer. Things get better.

The third planetary grouping is Mercury plus the sun, always at the same degree at the center of an Epoch, and this time that is: “A white oval figure on a very black background which contains no forms or shapes of any kind.” “This is an important degree, indicating misfortune through marriage. A mother would experience much suffering in labor. A negative person, open to evil influences.” It seems that we have repeatedly had to arouse ourselves from slipping into such negativity, brought on by hypnotic influences around us. My own answer is: Much study of spiritual teachings and Scriptures, and prayer which expects the best.   

We may take a look at the next Epoch, a Bright one (fast-moving Mercury) extending from June 20 through August 19, in next week’s weekend report.

{Weekend of June 4-5, 2022 and current Hermetic Epoch}  {Patience}

Cosmic Piper

Lunar data:

Saturday 4 June: Moon in Leo

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues

Sunday 5 June: Moon in Leo—>Virgo

|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until very early Tuesday

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:13p PT | 7:13p ET | 11:13p UT

until it enters Virgo at 11:23p PT | 2:23a(M) ET | 6:23a(M) UT

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