Friday, August 13, 2021

 Sunday 15 August 2021 and Coming Week

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
|Karmically serious sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 10:18a PT | 1:18p ET | 5:18p UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:06p PT | 11:06p ET |  3:06a(M) UT
BUT enters Sagittarius just ten minutes later!  (v-of-c for only 10 minutes)

Outlook for the Coming Week, August 14 through 20

It has been a hard summer.  My personal astrological opinion is that the correlation to the vaccination mess is Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius which has for centuries been called the sign of the circulatory system.  Leo is the sign of the heart and Aquarius, the opposite sign, that of the circulation of the blood, pumped by the heart.  We have the "vaccination wars" and it is not pleasant.  I myself do not approve of vaccination mandates and I am happy that some states such as Alabama and others are refusing to require them.  You may be of the opposite opinion.  Fortunately even those states which require them will give exemptions for religious or ethical beliefs.  The good news is that beginning this week major planets including the sun are no longer opposed to Saturn and this should give relief.  Of course I hope it will be an easing of the epidemic and of worries about it.  Well, an easing is not an ending, but let's hope for something better.

Likewise in other areas of your personal life, you should feel some relief this week, with less tension and worry.  Mars and Mercury trining Uranus should help, as shall Venus trining both Pluto and Saturn.  The Afghanistan situation is bad but perhaps there shall be amelioration.  Likewise the crisis or 'invasion' at the southern border of the U. S.  'A strong hand supplanting political hysteria' could mean that people will be more reasonable about these pressing issues, and it would help if we had meaningful leadership.  'Two bulls fighting on the edge of a precipice' shows some of the challenge.  Likewise 'a man digging in the air and sowing to the wind,' which is how we feel when our plans seem to be pointless or not working.  However, there is 'a naked infant, exposed, sleeping alone in an open and dreary place.  Around and above that helpless form are beasts and birds of prey.  But, by some strange power, unseen, this embodied picture of innocence is protected.'  G*d and His angels are merciful. 

[For astrologers:  I am combining the chart for this week with a chart for the entire Bright Hermetic Epoch from July 7 through September 5, which is centered on August 1.  I have found these to be remarkably reliable in my research.  The symbols reported here, in contrast to the ones used in the daily reports, are for that central moment as significant for the whole two-month Epoch.]

'A man peeping around a corner at a company of armed men who are reconnoitering' obviously fits the Afghanistan situation.  It also fits the controversy over the November 3 election, which is far from ended, with forensic audits going on in many states.  This is all justified lack of trust requiring detective or intelligence work.  

We have also 'Man tete-a-tete with his inspiration' suggesting that individually we can let our talents flow.  And 'Early morning dew' which is a promise of Rejuvenation.  

{Sunday, and Week of August 14-20, 2021|

Cosmic Piper

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