Sunday, August 1, 2021

Message for Monday 2 August 2021

Monday 2 August 2021

}Cool Courage, Chivalry, Protection{

Moon in Taurus-->Gemini
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:42a PT | 3:42p ET | 7:42p UT
until it enters Gemini at 1:47a PT | 4:47a ET | 8:47p UT

Challenge:  One thinks a lot about one's career, and a lot of possibilities are involved in it.  Some of them may be premature, so faith in the future is essential.  'A man in a skull-cap busy with scientific instruments' suggests research or investigation, a long and earnest approach to experiment.  The moon's aspects could give energy both physical and mental.  One could be 'resting lightly on the end of one's bow, with a quiver full of arrows.'  Observing, designing, and executing could be prompt and skillful.

Process:  One wants to be a defender and helper of the weak, and one has the sagacity to be that, like 'an elephant with his castle on his back,' at home anywhere, self-contained.  There is cool courage.  There could be a chivalrous esthetic instinct, as if one were bearing 'an ornamental handkerchief' to remind one of one's better impulses while one courts those whose allegiance one desires, gracefully.

Blessing:  Though the time is serious, with an accent on one's status, or position in the world, still 'a man and woman are seated at a table whereon viands and wine are lavishly abundant.'  This could be extravagant or dissolute enjoyments.  However, someone is genial, kind, and sociable.  Self-indulgence can be a mixed blessing; however, 'two angels are bringing protection.'  We need that, with the sun exactly opposed to Saturn, challenging us to the core.  The angels sustain our souls as we reach out to eternal values.  They provide security if we live by our high-minded convictions.

{Monday}  {Cool Courage, Chivalry, Protection}

Cosmic Piper 

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