Thursday, August 26, 2021

Message for Friday 27 August 2021

 Friday 27 August 2021

\Ready for Anywhere/

Moon in Taurus
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until very late Saturday night

I keep mentioning that this summer period (July 7 through September 5) is a hard one, not to depress you but to help you 'buck up' until we get to what looks like a more relaxing time in ten days.  The two major oppositions marking out this period (because they were exact at the moment of Mercury's conjunction with the sun) are Mars opposite Jupiter, said by astrologer CEO Carter to be the hardest aspect of all (and it was in the chart including 9/11/2001), which correlates with war often or battles of some sort such as the Afghanistan situation, and also the sun opposite Saturn in the sign of the circulatory system so that we have the 'wars' over vaccination.  Of course, none of this is the cosmos abusing us, but trying to show us something about ourselves.  Not always easy.  Enough of that for now; I hope to write about the coming Epoch (September 6 through November 2) in the Sunday report.

I read these reports myself, often three times a day, to check on how they work out, and I have been finding the poetic ones to be even better than the prosaic ones insofar as feeling uplifted or aided by reading them.  I recommend perusing them slowly, at least twice, and then again in the evening of the day covered, and maybe the next day to review what happened in your consciousness on the day preceding. I believe that these symbols come deep from the collective subconscious, and putting them in sonnet form develops them magically. 


The farmer's cart, loaded with manure,
Passes by a woman, innocent and restless,
Who senses a dark being behind her back, but she
Trusts in her friend, a soldier ready for anything.

The cattle-dealer with a whip is not subtle but rugged,
While the mummer with a mask can mimic anyone,
Primed for comedic theater.  They meet on a long
Road going nowhere, future-unconcerned.

The swimming race eliminates a few contenders.
Exhausted, some emerge from the pool to drift
Into a noon siesta on patio lounge-chairs.
They dream of personified nature-powers, fairies.

Recuperation draws elan vital from any
Role or bit or gig.  The future's here. 

 {Friday}  /Ready for Anywhere\

Cosmic Piper

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