Friday, August 20, 2021

Message for Sunday 22 August 2021

 Sunday 22 August 2021

~Reprise of a Would-Be Summer~

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon is void-of-course (in all U. S. zones, and after 12:02a UT, time of the Full Moon) 
until it enters Pisces at 5:44a PT | 8:44a ET | 12:44p UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week ended Saturday night at 10:12p PT | 1:12a(Su) ET 5:12a(Su) UT

We continue reprising this hard summer, the Bright or Fast Hermetic Epoch extending from July 7 through September 5.  You should read the first section of this in yesterday's (Saturday's) report if you haven't already.    

'A strong hand supplanting political hysteria' covers a whole lot.  Which hand is strong and who is hysterical depends on one's political loyalties or opinions, and I don't want to get into it!  Some think that Mike Lindell is hysterically mad, and others think he is 'a strong hand' trying to settle things concerning election fraud.  Not many think that Biden is a 'strong hand' but he is trying to be, and trying to supplant what he probably sees as 'hysteria' about Afghanistan.  Likewise Taliban leaders doubtless think they are the 'strong hands' quelling or supplanting disagreement.  Too many 'strong hands' in the U. S. media giants are trying to 'supplant political hysteria' by censoring news and views, or presenting questionable or deliberately hoked-up so-called news or badly jaundiced views.  Who is the real 'strong hand' and who is hysterical?  I leave it to you.  (I have my own view; yet it seems almost that everyone is hysterical at this point, even the 'strong hands.')  We have 'two bulls fighting on the edge of a precipice' to point up the danger.

Charubel warns us against besetting sins which creep up on us:  'Too revolting to be given' suggests something viewed on Netflix.  'Keep out of bad company' recommends our seer, 'and seek to develop thy higher nature; by such a course thou mayest save thyself.'  Whether a sense of humor is a sin, considering the state of the world, I cannot say, but we have 'a man muffled up, with a rakish silk hat' to represent the sophistication which can bring irony, or a sense of proportion, to disputes.  He might also be sometimes a mysterious figure who seeks no one, but is sought out because of his intuitive mental vision.  Such individuals are hidden treasures.  

The Sabian symbols tend to be optimistic, and we have 'spiritist phenomena' as a sensitivity to the invisible and the supernatural or the enfolding of immortal realities.  This could amount to one being 'tete-a-tete with one's inspiration' to the point of ecstasy, manifested as talent of a rare sort.  As for unity with nature in a summer with difficult weather and the smoke of fires, Signor Borelli gives us a Moon River symbol, bless him:  'A river winds its way through a broad tract of open fields under the moon's rays.'  This is calm, joy, tranquility and harmony.  I have not felt much of that, and the aspects of the season do little to promote it, but still it is there to be sensed and appropriated if we have the nerve, wit, patience and inspiration to do so.  Then we approach 'the field of Ardath in bloom' which mystic meadow of ancient Babylon displays a self-illumining continuity of the inherent friendliness of the universe.

The summer that would be if it could.  Let's salvage what we can of it.  

{Sunday}  ~Reprise of a Would-Be Summer~

Cosmic Piper

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