Thursday, August 5, 2021

Message for Friday 6 August 2021

 Friday 6 August 2021

~From Perverse Anarchy to Pleasure-Filled Diversion~

Moon in Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:12p PT | 6:12p ET | 10:12p UT
until it enters Leo at 0:33a(Sa) PT | 3:33a(Sa) ET | 7:33a(Sa) UT
|Karmically serious, sobering, challenging third| of this week begins at 10:56a PT | 1:56p ET | 5:56p UT (until Monday)

Challenge:  The harsh aspects I've pointed out continue, including, exact today, the sun's square with Uranus.  CEO Carter suggests that this could make us 'individualistic to the point of anarchy.'  'When the self-will is aroused, one refuses to take account of the most patent and important facts, so that one's judgment is perverse.'  He warns against 'vanity, morbid sensitiveness, and wrong-headedness.'  We note this more easily in others than in ourselves.  'This affliction will act only occasionally, but often at most critical times.'  One might be 'a dramatic, convincing and powerful orator with a burning zeal.'  (This is happening in the realm of politics in spades.)  Still, says superb astrologer Carter, their intentions are of the best and they are not cunning or underhanded (those who have this in their birth-charts).  They can organize well, until they go off on a tangent.  One symbol for today is 'two men fencing with swords; a man in black stands aside watching them.'  This was the position of the sun on 9/11/2001 when the 'man in black' could have been Osama bin Laden.  'The native is born with a predisposition to disputes and quarrels, and will be involved in some fracas in a foreign country or with a foreigner.'  We may take this with a grain of salt but it could be an underlying tendency.  It was exactly correct on the infamous 9/11 date.  We have also 'a profile of the head and face of a man; his face long, oval; the eyes large; he is clean-shaven save for a cultivated moustache.'  He likes conventional, popular amusements.

Process:  We find what hope we can in a difficult daily chart.  'A man and woman play together, with fruits, flowers and wine upon a table beside them.'  This can be Venus tri-nonagen (good aspect) Neptune while the sun is tri-nonagen Pluto.  There could be some beauty, affection and easygoing pleasure, with money also 'easy come, easy go.'  Despite underlying defensiveness (previous paragraph) there could be 'a pageant' or public display of achievements, a demonstration of over-all excellence plus delight in that.  We exhibit, together, what is significant to us.  

Blessing:   What is 'a merry-go-round' for kids could be 'an automobile caravan' for adults.  There is cyclic intensification in the repetitiveness of that carnival ride, a glorying in every turn of opportunity, a deliberate choice of diversion for the moment. The caravan of cars pyramids expectancies while we step out, or drive out, to meet the world.   Sheer variety seems promising.

{Friday}  ~From Perverse Anarchy to Pleasure-Filled Diversion~

Cosmic Piper

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