Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Message for Wednesday 4 August 2021

 Wednesday 4 August 2021

}Questions Answered through Retrospective Composure{

Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:39p PT | 3:39p ET | 7:39p UT
until it enters Cancer at 2:18p PT | 5:18p ET | 9:18p UT

Longer-Term Outlook

For long-term planning, there is a dilemma, but it is not irresolvable.  Here are some clues.  I consider the Hermetic Epochs (discovered by Cosmic Piper in the late 1970s and observed carefully since then) basic in timing.  The one we are in, July 7 through September 5, is Bright, or Fast, that is, straightforward, relatively, for planning and carrying out one's plans.  However, it is very difficult in terms of prevailing aspects, such as sun and Mercury opposite Saturn, Mars opposite Jupiter, and sun, Mercury and Saturn all square Uranus.  And so while one might have a solid grasp of one's plans, carrying them out is still fraught with pressures, tensions, mishaps, and controversies.  Then, in the next Dark or Slow Epoch, September 6 through November 2, though plans may diverge and get more complicated and confusing, the aspects are sweeter and so one might experience it as a smoother, happier time.  It just might be a good vacation period.  And so my best advice to myself and you is, Stick with your wise plans for now and bear with all the obstacles.  You will make definite progress despite setbacks and controversies.  Then, beginning September 6, you will be able to relax more and reap some of the benefits of your heroic endeavors.  

Challenge:  There is brusqueness and lack of tact, indicated by Mercury squared to Uranus.  Being outspoken can damage popularity.  'The letter Q appears.'  This is querulousness, questioning (not bad perhaps), but also quibbling or quarreling.  One can see these traits displayed more in others than in oneself, of course.  So it is good to appreciate that they have their own seemingly solid reasons for their (perhaps wrong) opinions.  People may have exaggerated self-esteem and presume that they have an inside track to the truth even if they are missing major factors which invalidate some of their beliefs.  People are not wrong-headed about everything but could be on some matters.  It is good not to be cantankerous and to be tolerant when others seem so.  Then, although we may experience 'a volcano in eruption' such outbursts will not be violent or overweening.  Some temperamental explosions are a justified passion rejecting superficiality in others.  But petulance and tantrums don't help.

Process:  The extremes of poverty and wealth are in our consciousness.  On one hand we may feel like 'a jutting rock upon which tufts of grass hold a thin but certain existence,' just getting by, though firm and steadfast.  There is a constancy of resolute attempts to do whatever one has determined as 'the right thing to do.' On the other hand we might be like 'a person being carried by four men in a sedan-chair.'  Idleness and self-indulgence would not obliterate this person's good fortune and accomplishment, though could detract from it.  

Blessing:   'An old man cutting grapes in a vineyard' has been industrious and prudent, with an eye to the future.  In time he reaps his reward, gathering the fruits of his care.  'An old sea captain rocking' relives his experiences in memory.  His retrospection is not vain because it calls up afresh the powers he has gained by mastering challenging situations.  'Events repeat themselves, and so may be brought in leash.'  

{Wednesday}  {Questions Answered through Retrospective Composure} 

Cosmic Piper

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