Friday, January 29, 2021

Message for Saturday 30 January 2021

 Saturday 30 January 2021

\Escaping Confusion through Forward-Looking Definition/

Moon in Virgo
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Virgo at 0:04a PT | 3:04a ET | 8:04a UT  
Mercury is stationary and turns Retrograde (moving backward very slowly from geocentric perspective) at 7:53a PT | 10:53a ET | 3:53p UT

Those who make fun of Mercury being retrograde, as if only superstitious people believed it meant anything, are not good observers, but dismiss a hypothesis without giving it a fair test.  The MR periods take on greater tangibility when viewed as the core of a longer Slow or Dark Hermetic Epoch.  For example, the first impeachment of Donald Trump began just after a DHE began.  The second impeachment began just after a DHE began.  Trump is a sun-sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury.  One can draw conclusions from this.  What conclusion one draws might depend on one's politics, but the pattern is evident.  Here is the current Mercurial or Hermetic pattern:

Dark Hermetic Epoch began January 15 . . . {Mercury is Retrograde January 30 until February 20} . . .DHE continues until 
March 13, when a new Bright or Fast Hermetic Epoch begins

For example, on Thursday this week during the DHE I and my neighbor had trouble with our WiFi, and it was down for a couple of hours.  The solution eventually found was a new solution, that is, we had never had this exact trouble or solution before.  Mercury slowing down seemed to 'produce' or correlate with an unexpected problem.  That's the sort of mechanical or technological failure or delay one often experiences during a DHE.  Even more frequent are human failures or delays, such as people being late, forgetting things, or otherwise acting 'out of pattern.'  In oneself it can be mind-wandering, meditating rather than acting, and so on, though this can be good if it is a needed break from hard analytic 'practical' thinking and acting into a freer, more liberating mental-emotional stance which might be called meditative.  One needs more of those periods during the DHE, but of course not too many . . . One has to balance.

Saturday:  Appropriately, we have 'an indescribable scene; chaos, confusion, dissolving views.'  Charubel says this can show a mental defect, idiocy or insanity.  Well, during the MR period one might think others or oneself are 'losing it.'  No, the 'idiocy' is temporary.  Another disconcerting symbol turning up is 'an anchor unattached to any vessel's chain, the cable broken' which could signify 'terrible trials and a mysterious end.'  Of course this is just a temporary loss of 'anchorage' or poise which we may face today. To what are you most firmly and safely anchored?  The cable does not have to be broken if you do not break it.

The frustration of the sun and other planets squaring Mars could take form as 'a lion raging against the bars of its cage.'  One loves freedom, yet must adapt to environment or circumstances.  All are jealous of their rights and privileges, and so a quid-pro-quo has to be maintained.  We are in 'a large aviary' with many strange birds, many of whom may feel caged, yet this is our community to make the best of as we may (oh, is that Jack Dorsey locking the cage?).  Who is the rarest rara avis?  

To help escape confusion there is 'a sextant and compass.'  This is learning which rectifies uncertainties, and measurement which promotes successful ventures.  One could secure precision and definition rather than submit to the 'dissolving views' of the earlier symbol.  The moon in careful Virgo could help with this.  Some individuals may seem more competent than others, 'people on stairs graduated upwards,' yet one's position on one stairway might be higher than X's, though lower than X's on a different stairway measuring a different skill.  Wherever one stands, one's point of view can be forward-looking.

{Saturday}  /Escaping Confusion through Forward-Looking Definition\

Cosmic Piper

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