Sunday, January 10, 2021

Message for Monday 11 January 2021

 Monday 11 January 2021

\Leaning on the Staff of Hope/

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon is void-of-course  
until it enters Capricorn at 5:31a PT | 8:31a ET | 1:31p PT

It's the final week of a Bright Hermetic Epoch, changing to Dark beginning Friday the 15th (until March 13).  Any basic plans you are making for the next couple of months could be revised, refined or perfected this week, wisely, before the Dark period makes things more complex or confusing. As for major changes of plan or new ventures, I would suggest that mid-March through April could be the best time to begin.  

'Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance' sounds like Nancy Pelosi and her futile impeachment plans, also like some Trump supporters.  Calm heads able to evaluate evidence and make timely compromises seem to be unavailable.  Why?  Aggressive leadership ought not to degenerate into tantrums.  On the personal level, you could mobilize forces and skills for your own purposes.  There is determination.  You could use 'old or waste, recycled, materials' to good effect, that is, work with what's there.  

'A man walking with bent head, leaning upon a staff' has suffered shocks and misfortunes, but with steadfast resignation presses ahead.  There is consolation for griefs and sorrows.  Somewhere there are 'steps up to a lawn blooming with clover' because divine intuition entrenches us in beauty and order.  There is upward, hopeful vision.  Perhaps we shall be 'in the clover' by the middle of March, meanwhile leaning upon that staff.

The final days of an Old Moon (the New comes very late Tuesday or early Wednesday) are often felt as slow, slack, or introverted. 'A small unpretentious window in the wall of a massive tower' shows we can be 'happy in the offspring of our own genius,' not needing the world's approval, while we create something visible or invisible independent of external aids.  (Luna trine Mars and Uranus furthers this.)  Even before the clover months, we have fruits of the old harvest, 'a woman gathering grapes fills many baskets.'  Acquisitiveness can result in acquirement, 'gathering together' on both material and spiritual levels.

{Monday}  /Leaning on the Staff of Hope\

Cosmic Piper

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