Sunday, January 3, 2021

Message for 4 January 2021

 Monday 4 January 2021

\Reality Surrenders to Realism/

Moon in Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:35p PT | 4:35p ET | 9:35p UT
until it enters Libra at 9:43p PT | 12:43a(Tu) ET | 5:43a(Tu) UT
Eleventh Day of Christmas

The anticipation of a happy New Year meets up with reality, and many shall be disappointed.  It can be a good year, but the planets don't coddle us like nursemaids.  As agents of the Supreme, they set limits and define tasks.  (Yet can be nursemaids when appropriate.)  None of that is onerous unless we make it so by complaining and negative attitudes.  Today we have "a man wheeling a barrow of earth over a hollow run" reminding us that our jobs continue.  Even the wealthy have tasks which seem hard labor to them.  The square between Mars and Saturn, a tough one, continues and increases.  "A lonely traveler in a solitary way with a heavy burden on his back is assaulted by ruffians."  It may seem that things are against us but of course such assaults are temporary and not our endless lot. 

"A horseman, armed as if for battle, is watching the waning moon."  Some, independent and domineering, are forsaken by friends and colleagues.  Serving themselves alone, they become isolated.  However, "misery loves company," so even the independent ones can soften their attitudes in the face of others' troubles.  There are "many toys in the children's ward of a hospital."  The human race tries to develop the potentialities of all.  Even, there is shared abundance to a surprising degree if we accept  it rather than moan about things.  

A hopeful indication:  "A soft cloudy cumulus upon a bright horizon."  Sepharial says that "our fortunes lie in smooth places" because we are plant, sympathetic, and "set upon the attainment of high truths."  Inoffensiveness and suavity are a cure for the loneliness of the armed horseman.  The world can be fit and reliable through "the simple efficacy of being oneself."  This is something like "a duck pond and its brood," taking advantage of the cosmic ordering, finding ease in dealing with immediate circumstances.  

{Monday}  /Realism Does not Surrender to Reality; Reality Surrenders to Realism\

Cosmic Piper

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