Thursday, January 14, 2021

Message for Friday 15 January 2021

 Friday 15 January 2021

~Multiple Changes, Internal Adventure~

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
A Dark (or Slow) Hermetic Epoch begins at approximately 0:09a PT | 3:09a ET | 8:09a UT (until March 13)
/moon is void-of-course
until it enters Pisces at 2:18p PT | 5:18p ET | 10:18p UT

This is the first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch, which might be called the Slow, Lazy or Backward Epoch, or perhaps the Mystical, Spiritual, Ineffable Epoch.  It can be confusing for ordinary planning and progress, though not impossible, while it can be illuminating for deep realizations.  It is the period when people most often, it seems, 'throw in the towel' and so I always recommend waiting before ending a relationship, job, or other commitment.  Things often seem worse or more complex than they really are.  It lasts about two months, until March 13.  

It's the time when some feel like abandoning what they have made of their lives and walking with a few possessions into the mountains.  It seems that the key to coming through it well is doing that 'mountain pilgrimage' thing internally while not abandoning job, mate, and ordinary activities.  Instead, one can modify them, cut back on some of them, make scheduling more comfortable and less ambitious.  Just carrying on is better than new projects, usually.  Or if one explores something new, take it slow.  

Friday:  'A large encampment of women, children, old people and invalids; a man at the gate keeping guard' suggests nobility or a noble person.  'A true knight will such  be; a defender of the defenseless, a benefactor of the poor and indigent.'  The planets cannot stop us from trying to live up to such an ideal at any time.  Contrary to this is 'a target pierced by a rapier,' suggeting 'powers of penetration' whether erotic or angry.  One might be impulsive or headstrong.  Sepharial advises 'Beware of the direct thrust and practice the use of the two-edged sword' or a more elegant, balanced approach. 

The predominance of earth signs fits with 'a man of benevolent countenance near a cottage, chopping wood.  Around him are well-filled orchards, near him a grazing sheep.'   He has a contented, happy disposition, is a friend of Nature and beloved of her.  He has natural goodwill, and his ambitions are fulfilled with the day.  This could be a clue to use the early void-of-course period in natural needed activities without complaint.  When the moon goes into Pisces one might feel more like 'an owl sitting in the moonlight,' with a self-possessed mind which discerns and discovers things occult or unsuspected by others.  Speculations and abstruse studies would go well.

'A mountain pilgrimage' could be that world-denying 'sannyasin' or hermit tendency mentioned in the discussion of the Dark Epoch (beginning today).  One perseveres with 'the ultimate course one has chosen for oneself' rather than lazing about on lower levels.  At the same time, not everything is intensely difficult or serious, so somewhere in the journey one might enjoy 'a boat on a large lake, two persons rowing in it.'  There can be changes, company, and adventure.  

{Friday}   ~Multiple Changes, Internal Adventure~

Cosmic Piper

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