Friday, January 15, 2021

Message for Saturday 16 January 2021

 Saturday 16 January 2021

~Refreshing Potentials~

Moon in Pisces

The underlying stresses, so evident to all, continue but are ameliorated by smooth lunar aspects.  Unusual and pleasing things turn up when you are in motion.  'A widow at an open grave' probably indicates you think of someone gone from this world in a positive way.  It is not necessary to be stuck in what is outworn, but the enduring values you have experienced with someone remain and aid you in reorienting to immediate possibilities.  We are in the second day of a Dark, Slow or Tentative Hermetic Epoch (till March 13) and so there could be, at times, 'an indescribable scene; chaos, confusion, dissolving views.'  Charubel says this could be idiocy or insanity.  No; but it could be a feeling that one is 'losing it' because of the need to regrasp things in a different way which yet preserves the best of established procedures.  

'A man inspecting horses' is you when you survey friends or associates in your mind and pick out which ones to connect with somehow.  This is dicey but probably easier than in recent days.  Also, you might choose surprising or unusual items to purchase.  'A large aviary' contains rare birds as well as common ones, so you can trust that your community is an interesting one.  

'A sextant and compass' could indicate adhering to rigid or exact principles, as a corrective for drift.  Mathematics, astronomy, navigation or technology could be studied and applied successfully.  There are attempts at precise definition.  Beyond such mental skill there abides 'a Hindu healer' or impacts of an inner transcendental reality.  This is therapy of some sort congenial to you, strong medicine.  Proclaims Dr. Jones: 'A spiritualized self-discipline achieves a magical ordering of the whole course of events.'

{Saturday}  ~Refreshing Potentials~

Cosmic Piper

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