Friday, November 30, 2018

Message for Saturday and Sunday, December 1 and 2, 2018

Saturday 1 December 2018 and Sunday 2 December 

}Candles in the Gloom{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (until Monday morning)
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:35a PT | 9:35a ET | 2:35p UT
until it enters Libra at 6:50a PT | 9:50a ET | 2:50p UT (just 15 minutes later)

It is amazing to me that we as a human race have avoided really harsh argumentative disputes, even warfare, over the past few weeks while planets in Sagittarius square Mars and Neptune in Pisces. That continues through at least the first ten days of December. What saves us may be that both these signs are ruled by Jupiter, a beneficent planet, the planet of Deity however He or She might be conceived. And so there may be some grudging recognition, on both sides of issues, that "the other side" is not totally evil even if misguided. And so what might be semi-violent dispute is modified into stifled disagreement--or, better, into a gradual attempt to reach a sort of mutual understanding about some matters at least. May we have Godspeed in so doing. At any rate there is also a confident outreaching into the wonders of the world around us, finding rewards everywhere, "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity." 

Dark gloom is likely at times. We do not like to hear of death or of others' miseries. Somehow we can lift ourselves beyond shadows of despair or doubt. We can dedicate ourselves to ultimate reality, involving perhaps a sort of apostolic succession, "Men seeking illumination."

Imprudence and carelessness are not helpful, making us indifferent to the very activities which could lift us out of worry. If we try to recognize cosmic order everywhere, including in our person and affairs, we acquire prescience which can steer us intelligently.

One symbol suggests an inventor who gets little or no credit or pay for his inventions. Yet if we let our capacities shine through us, as "a Full Moon in a clear sky," we will be appreciated eventually and gain fame or wealth. If this seems remote, still there is sympathetic ease and grace in the way we interact with people. (We may need to remember to let this happen because of the |difficult third| period.)

{Saturday}  {Candles in the Gloom}

Sunday 2 December 2018

Moon in Libra
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (until Monday morning)
< moon enters the Via Combusta at 9:10a PT | 12:10p ET | 5:10p UT (a period of wavering, confusion and cosmic reshuffling)

We should remember that Mercury being retrograde (until Thursday the 6th) feels often like having one hand tied behind one's back. We can slow down with some things in order to expedite others, or we can spend more time in prayer, meditation and healthful rest while gaining fresh positioning for aspirations. 

It is important to keep one's faith going. Challenges felt now are requiring inward progress in one's spiritual orientation so that one does not give up to despair or sullen moods. (Sai Baba, below, probably has the cure.) 

Message from Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Cosmic Piper

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