Sunday, November 25, 2018

Message for Monday 26 November 2018

Monday 26 November 2018

~Patience and Loyalty~

Moon in Cancer
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:23p PT | 2:23a(Tu) ET | 7:23a(Tu) UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues
until it ends at 3:13p PT | 6:13p ET | 11:13p UT

Many have been analyzing costs and personal economy in a big way. There is enthusiasm about new methods, yet they have to be based on old standards and research to be valid in the long run.

Venus in Libra has been granting much appreciation of beauty, in music or other art forms. We are fond of change and variety. Yet we want to hold on to whatever is normal and solid, and sustain ourselves through self-respecting activity.

Even if material gain and prosperity seem hard to secure in a totally reliable way, there is spiritual satisfaction because one has at least one foot settled firmly in the transcendent world of ideals and faith. That to which one feels allegiance is quickening one's conscience so that one can do whatever is needed, and adopt a faithful attitude rather than wavering uncertainty. Are you keeping faith with your childhood's innocent ideals and hopes? Maybe praying somewhat like you did as a child would help.

It is not wrong to be immured in one's own particular daily work and routine. We are all servants of the Most High in one way or another, even if we don't always understand the why and wherefore. While Mercury is retrograde, another ten days, we sometimes feel we are just "keeping on keeping on." But things get brighter in our inner consciousness and hopes revive. The world is basically friendly. Brightening influences uplift moods.

You may feel that some others are merely aping or imitating other human beings who take their fancy, rather than finding something real within themselves. However, you care about their welfare and want to help and protect. Your fidelity and natural sympathy remain, whatever happens, no matter how others suffer. So your patient watching over them has good results, now or later.

{Monday}  ~Patience and Loyalty~

Cosmic Piper

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