Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Message for Thursday 15 November 2018

Thursday 15 November 2018

}Listening for Guidance{

Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:59p PT | 10:59p ET | 3:59a(F) UT
until it enters Aquarius at 8:43p PT | 11:43p ET | 4:43a(F) UT (just 44 minutes later)

As always it remains my grim duty to point out the problems we face. As you know, I also believe firmly in G*d and His (or Her) goodness and that there is nothing really evil in our solar system or in the planetary motions. But some of them seem to make things more difficult for us because we are imperfect human beings, not saints or angels. (And even saints have to bear the problems and sorrows of their devotees.)

I write both from observation of others and observation of myself. I feel today that the issue of the Dark Hermetic Epoch (this one from October 29 to December 24) is encroaching upon us and certainly I, and perhaps you, are feeling it. Mercury retrograde, at the center of that Epoch, begins Friday this week (tomorrow) until December 6. But its symptoms are here now: Things get hard. Delays. Backtracking. People give up or feel defeated and do not want to go on. They seek escape. They feel like quitting a job or a relationship or leaving home. "There must be something better for me elsewhere." 

Are external things and people's behavior really inimical at these times? It often seems that way. But I do not think so. It's more that people are turning to interior states and feelings and hopes and anxieties, brooding on the past or the seemingly hopeless future, and so they make more mistakes, forget things, or postpone things, procrastinating so that they fail others. That is usually why machines or computers seem to fail so often during these times.  

Usually, there is nothing really to do but "keep on keeping on" or turn to prayer and meditation and faith to get us through. As aids, we might change our daily schedule somewhat, or shuffle it so we get some relief from drudgery; but to drop it completely could be ruinous. Yes, we may need extra rest or relief-giving recuperation. The trick is to get that somehow without totally losing control of one's situation. 

I try to put the answer in words, but probably only experience, observation, and trial-and-error-and-re-trial can get it right. I wish you well with that. 

Thursday:  You may be sensitive and sympathetic toward those who are suffering, or who have passed from this world. Yet all is not lost, and you may feel a surge of industry and strength because you know that settling down to duties and necessities will make you stronger, build up your endurance and provide for a better future. 

One feels that there is a path to effortless prosperity, yet it requires daring (Mars square Jupiter). Sheer fantasy leads only to internal temporary exhilaration. One has to act in such a way that others can rely on oneself, if one hopes to gain anything. A continuity of aspiration and attempt could bring blessings.

Things one can see which are invisible to others may make one supreme over them, in a sense. Yet they can only bear so much, and so one has to temporize with their foibles, or backtracking, and their opinions which seem wrong yet sometimes deviate toward something better. 

There could be irritability and self-exhaustion. One wants too much too quickly. An irrepressible urge pushes toward short-cuts, but finds that listening to some guide's higher wisdom is essential. One can slow down to give attention to a spiritual appeal which calms one's impatience and lifts one's aspirations. Then everything even on the physical level straightens out.

{Thursday}  {Listening for Guidance}

Cosmic Piper

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