Sunday, November 18, 2018

Message for Monday 19 November 2018

Monday 19 November 2018

^Spiritual Paths Contested (Victorious?)^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues 
until Tuesday at 0:40a PT | 3:40a ET | 8:40a UT

Let's take harder things first. It may be necessary to overcome "enemies" in order to gain what one really wants or needs. Are they "really" enemies? Not in the universal, eternal scheme of things, but to our limited perspective in time and space they may seem inimical, preventing us from doing good things we feel we could be doing. But if we overcome them, we are as "The king of the fairies approaching his domain," that is, by our allegiance to values invisibly true and fair and wonderful we bring about their reign upon the earth which has seemed to resist them.

Supramental, spiritual influences are blessing us. They contend against old influences from the past which would drag us backward. The past is not our enemy but needs to be re-interpreted and re-understood. We have let "the ghost of the past" dissuade us from flowing with the good-seeking Spirit of the past. This is not necessary. What is real and good in the past survives immortally. But to make it real in our lives we need to connect with it at a high level which has sufficient breadth and power to demonstrate materially. (To demonstrate over, in fact, some wrong ideas of what the past has meant which entangle us.)

All this requires some mutations in our relations with our fellow beings, or fellow seekers on the Path, or fellow participants in a human grouping or cause. Can we go it alone in some regards? Or do we require cooperation, which means we also must give it? "A horseman armed watching the waning moon" serves himself alone and does not receive assistance, so seems abandoned by friends and colleagues. His choice of isolation is questionable. However, those who have courage and determination, plus caution, and are enlisted in a common endeavor, may have victory along with comrades.

"The Goddess of Mercy enthroned" wants to help. Are we able to receive her aid? This requires of us spiritual awareness secured through study, developing a firm, dependable mind. The goddess needs our attention, and our spiritual anchorage, to guide us toward protection and gain. "A cross carved in stone stands against the rising sun, haloed in divine light."

{Monday} ^Spiritual Paths Contested (Victorious?)^

Cosmic Piper

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