Friday, November 9, 2018

Message for Saturday 10 November 2018

Saturday 10 November 2018

^From Aggression to Peace and Concord^

Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn
/moon goes void-of-course at 7:36p PT | 10:36p ET | 3:36a(Su) UT
for just 20 minutes until it enters Capricorn at 7:56p PT | 10:56p ET | 3:56p UT
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (until Monday afternoon)

You may know someone who is basically good but has strong opinions which he or she will not give up, and tries hard to present those in an almost belligerent manner, wanting allies and being unable to contain himself when it comes to opponents, and so sometimes seeming offensive. He or she is like a parrot quoting his or her favorite authorities. That may be good for him or her. Yet one might hope for more perspective and flexibility. (Mercury square Neptune, while the former is slowing down, is a need for faith in something, or an attempt to grasp that, beyond faith, to which one aspires with one's mind, when one's mind cannot really encompass it. So one has to believe what seems like the unbelievable (Neptune) to the skeptical "lower mind" (Mercury) while one is preparing oneself spiritually to apprehend that which is higher or more encompassing than ordinary cut-and-dried logic.)

One who carries a standard, flag, or logo represents something important and is a leader or reformer. He or she has to meet opposition (Mars square Jupiter) and the nature of the conflict is determined by the character of those on each side. Let's hope it does not become too angry or violent. What could save the situation, or calm both sides, could be tradition, something both can adhere to which helps them adapt to each other (as, for example, election laws after the latest U. S. election). All may not love our flag, for it has been used to promote questionable causes, yet it can represent some ideal we all grasp inchoately. If there is "an ancient pottery bowl filled with violets," the violets could be differing political viewpoints which the bowl, the Constitution perhaps, contains and supports despite their differences.

For securing your rights, and working with allies, there is courage and determination plus alertness and caution. "An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other" show that one may need to be defensive, or seemingly aggressive, while still pursuing peace. The human race is on the way to finding something better than warfare for resolving differences. 

A sort of detective stance can help one figure out what is going on, who is true and who is false, who is guilty and who is just confused. One can see through plots and refuse to be imposed on. It is possible to understand how someone who seems to be a nuisance is necessary in the over-all scheme of things, and work around (or even with perchance) him or her. 

Apart from the symbols which colored the preceding paragraphs, we have happy sextiles from the moon to Mars and Venus on both sides, while those two trine each other within two degrees. We should experience some liberating and fulfilling attraction, affection, camaraderie or even deep love. The symbols previously adumbrated may color the way it is expressed.

{Saturday}  ^From Aggression to Peace and Concord^

Cosmic Piper

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