Thursday, November 8, 2018

Message for Friday 9 November 2018

Friday 9 November 2018

~Benevolence within Tradition and Idealism~

Moon in Sagittarius
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week begins at 10:09a PT | 1:09p ET | 6:09p UT (until Monday afternoon, longer than usual because of the moon's speed)

One can always focus on the difficulties in the current astrological setup. I don't like to, yet it seems it is one necessity laid upon astrologers. If everything were always easy and simple, we would not need astrology perhaps. Just as in some world where people were able to telepathically know how every car was moving we would not need red lights. 

So we have to look at:  1. The Dark Hermetic Epoch extending from October 29 through December 23. I am seeing the effects of it. On the outer side, some backtracking, some delays, some regression into the past. Yet that regression can be strengthening, and needed, if it is for example history, religion, philosophy, or other topics which are strengthening to you. Or if literature is your guiding star, it could be reading novels you have already read, to gain further insight, or watching old movies. We need the past at these times, our own and that of the human race. 

On the outer level, it can be unexpected and delaying things such as my inability to connect with the internet yesterday and so the absence of Thursday's daily report. This was because of someone else's human error about which I could do nothing. There are more such human errors at these times because people are more inwardly directed and can be absent-minded or forget things. 

2. Today and for the next two weeks we have Mercury, slow an at its station, squaring Neptune. O joy! Fake news! Fake opinions! White lies, or falsehoods, or misleading statements, or outright lies. Donald Trump has this aspect in his birth chart. For the rest of us, during this time, we may wonder about others' veracity time and again, or believe that they are deceiving themselves. This can be an aspect of self-deception as well as deception of others. However, to the negative there is a positive: At its best this aspect can be "an inquisitive approach to obligation" in Marc Edmund Jones's keywords. "Obligation" means spiritual duty or the ideal of lovingkindness and integrity and goodness. That is Neptune at its finest. So in approaching the ideal with our minds (Mercury) we have to believe in what is not evident to our senses. We have to believe in the ideal, that "love will conquer all" for example. Is that a lie? No, it is an ideal deliberately believed in. To a total skeptic it might seem a lie to oneself. To the idealist who is striving to live up to Neptune's highest, which is perhaps the Sermon on the Mount, it is something worth dying for if need be. So our minds are approaching an ideal, and to others it might seem nonsense. You believe in Meher Baba? Nonsense! Or Babaji, the supposed eternally young guru in the Himalayas? You must be naive! these skeptics will say. Yet to the believer, it is a spiritual necessity to believe in a guru, a teaching, religion, something held up as an ideal. That is Neptune, and our clumsy attempts to capture it and live it are Mercury. This is good. We need to do it. At worst, we could get fanatical and believe some things for which there is no evidence. At best, by believing what inspires us to live better lives we are attaining the heights. So we can rise to the best in this aspect. It may look "trippy" to outside observers yet be a necessity of our soul in its growth toward spiritual awakening.

Then there is Mars trine Venus! What could be better? If you are not in love, or having extra-felicitous relations with someone or a friend, that is okay, but this aspect is still there in the background. The other difficult aspects (such as Mars square Jupiter) may be blocking some of the love but it is still there asking for our participation in one way or another. (This trine is a long-lasting one but is exact right now and for the weekend, then lingering till after Thanksgiving, then reappearing before Christmas and continuing into February.) 

Jupiter entered Sagittarius on Thursday, for a whole year; it was in Scorpio the preceding year, that of the MeToo movement and the downfall of sexual predators (Scorpio at its worst). I shall not attempt to predict the coming year except that Sagittarius is the sign of religion, spiritual approaches, internationalism, and sometimes authoritarian (yet goodwilled) politics. It should be a beneficent placement for Jupiter because he is in the sign he rules.

{Friday}  ^Benevolence within Tradition and Idealism^

Cosmic Piper

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