Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Message for Thursday 29 November 2018

Thursday 29 November 2018

\Singing While Enduring/

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
/moon goes void-of-course at 1:48a PT | 4:48a ET | 9:48a UT
until it enters Virgo at 3:09a PT | 6:09a Et | 11:09a UT

Yesterday's forecast  began:  
"Wednesday:  Much prosperity is available, in one fashion or another, for sheer pleasure and elegance. People are placid and contented."
And, indeed, the stock market soared, the S&P by 2.5 percent, the Nasdaq by 3 per cent. However, I warn you that I do not try to predict the stock market here. Also, a neighbor unexpectedly knocked on my door to hand me a package the postman had left, which was very welcome. 

Thursday:  Some indeed do like to live their lives by hazard or speculation, as if in a card game. I still have not seen a copy of the new board game Monopoly for Millennials, but it interests me because as a kid I loved to play the old Monopoly. However, "Rocks and things forming therein" remind us that the composition of our destiny comes from rock-like choices we have to maintain daily in order to have a secure foundation for happy outcomes. 

Charubel continues to warn against virulent passions and desires which could upset one's life hurtfully. I do not know what those might be in your case but it seems that Luna's opposition with Mars and Neptune while squaring all the Sagittarius planets could produce overeager jumping into squabbles or else into uncontrollable infatuations, or both, leading to intense or hurtful reactions.  Being "A jockey" means controlling the "horse" of one's own body, practicing self-control.

One might be quiet and ineffectual, gloomy and fatalistic, at certain moments. This is in accord with the continuing retrogradation of Mercury which makes us sometimes morose, sometimes just more reflective than usual. Your reasoning powers could produce accurate and useful results, even if the opportunity to gain from them is in the future. 

Many will feel they are laboring too hard for too little. This is not something we feel always but may be our burden to bear just now. Mercury's retrogradation for another week delays things and makes us feel bored or weary, seeking some "out" or other, but patient effort is recommended today, with just enough breaks to keep sane. Sublime influences such as music are uplifting, giving us respite internally, so "whistle while you work" is not a bad slogan.

{Thursday}  /Singing While Enduring\

Cosmic Piper

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