Monday, November 26, 2018

Message for Tuesday 27 November 2018

Travel chaos: Blizzard-like conditions in Midwest ground thousands of flights, snarl roads

The above headline is from US Today on Monday. The article says that in the Midwest this condition will last until Monday evening. Note what my forecast for Monday said:  
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues
until it ends at 3:13p PT | 6:13p ET | 11:13p UT

As pointed out repeatedly over the past nineteen years, the |karmically difficult| third of each week often corresponds with difficult weather conditions (or, even worse, violent or criminal acts, or accidents). One does not always know which part of the country or the world will be most affected. This time it was mostly the Midwest, but today as I write on Sunday before noon, Seattle is getting cloudy skies and rain, which we have not had for the last few days. If you watch these times, you will see that while they mostly apply to "internal weather" such as moods and difficult relations with people, they also apply very frequently to weather conditions. (Yet, of course, precipitation is required for the growth of our food and so is not "bad" even if inconvenient.) DELAY is one of the keywords for the |difficult third| of each week (especially when Mercury is retrograde, as now). Today (Monday) an unusual interruption caused me to spend almost an hour messing with computer and internet problems before I could finish charting and writing this, for example. "Carry on" has to be the motto.

(However, I warn against assuming that the |difficult third| periods predict the stock market. They do not. For example, on Monday it is soaring while the rain is pouring and winds blowing.)

Tuesday 27 November 2018

^Self-Respecting Mobilization^ 

Moon in Cancer-->Leo
/moon void-of-course
until it enters Leo at 0:36a PT | 3:36a ET | 8:36a UT

We are usually unconscious of our own vanity. Having a good opinion of oneself is good. Being foolishly vain is not. However, today the opposite of vanity might prevail, that is, being overlooked, not credited or respected for what one is actually contributing. The remedy is not vanity but patient self-respect.

Business people are sometimes cantankerous because of their concentration on necessary strategies. Yet they find the right expedients. They summon others to get down to what needs to be done. You also might blow a bugle to get someone to take up his or her part of a group effort. 

Arduous work, unconscious of its limitations, is real service, accepted as one's dharma or karma. Within it and around it are brightening influences of human harmony. Each note is part of the chord. When people are responsive to one another's needs there is warmth and hope.

The rules of cricket or any game are the basis for developing one's skill within it. Rule-abiding sportsmanship is a happy trend. That brings out your equanimity and normal satisfaction within the wisdom of self-restraint, so one can be "An old owl up in a tree" when not involved in the game.

{Tuesday}  ^Self-Respecting Mobilization^

Cosmic Piper

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