Sunday, December 2, 2018

Message for Monday 3 December 2018

Monday 3 December 2018

~Playing the Game~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon is in the Via Combusta (sometimes loss of morale or a cosmic reshuffling) until mid-day Tuesday
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:17a PT | 1:17p ET | 6:17p Ut
until it enters Scorpio at 11:56a PT | 2:56p ET | 7:56p UT

Moods may be calmer than on the weekend, when there was a feeling of disappointment or worry for many. (Of course the purpose of that was to awaken us to things to which we need to be awakened, but we are not always happy with that process.)

Those with fixed habits who are kind parents and mates do not get as much applause as the neurotic rich and famous, yet they live good, rewarding lives. Those who fall into sensuousness (think beleaguered Harvey Weinstein) may lose more than they seem to gain. Those who want fun could end up with STD.

Inspiration from the inner self can fire up, and light your way when you feel you are stuck in dark circling spaces. Then you find a more spiral path of fulfillment. When you develop potentialities you are qualified for something better.

Force is not as good as reason for changing others' courses, but is tempting when one feels stymied. Rather, we could imagine ourselves on "a sight-seeing bus" and appreciate others' differences in a friendly way. What seemed an enemy becomes a sensibility-expanding companion.

Can we be tireless in making the adjustments we need to make? It's an important question. One's allegiances do not have to be prejudices. Life can be an exalting "game of cricket" if we observe meaningful rules while fulfilling our own position's assignments faithfully.

{Monday}  ~Playing the Game~

Cosmic Piper

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