Monday, December 3, 2018

Message for Tuesday 4 December 2018

Tuesday 4 December 2018

~Key to the Past's Ankle-Chains~ 

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta until 3:07p PT | 6:07p ET | 11:07p UT

We sometimes feel that some monstrous creature has the world in its jaws. Or we may be so politically enraged that we can see little but greed and arrogant selfishness in business and government, or even in friends. Some do not realize how miserly they have become. Others, including you, may feel as if imprisoned or restrained .  The final two days of an Old Moon (the New comes late Thursday-early Friday) are good times to get extra rest. Mental activity is likely to feel more natural than physical. If you are in a regular exercise program, it is good to continue but not to a painful extreme. Let us pray for those imprisoned. Voluntary seclusion might be helpful today.

How can one be qualified for a better life, except by continuing with the spiraling programs which would bring it? They spiral because they take one nearer and nearer to one's goals, while yet seeming to go in circles of regular procedures which repeat daily, weekly or monthly. If one feels right about this, one may be on the best path.

Anything which seems a crisis is something which challenges you to permeate others and yourself with high ideals and continue to be yourself through magnitude of outlook, which can amount to magnanimity toward all and the world. Sometimes we give to the point of sacrifice, and then feel wonderful.

Past failures may weigh heavy. One wishes one could rectify them. Yet pondering the past and its sufferings could be a source of strength. We want to be responsible in areas where we felt irresponsible previously. Someone I respected told me once to view life as a game. I see the wisdom of that. The game goes on when moods are temporarily heavy. Playing it as well as one can is itself the remedy, lose or win.

{Tuesday}  ~Key to the Past's Ankle-Chains~

Cosmic Piper

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