Sunday, December 23, 2018

Message for Monday 24 December 2018

Monday 24 December 2018

^Individual Centers Open to Friendly Understanding^ 

Moon in Cancer-->Leo

|Karmically serious, sobering third| of this week continues until 
it ends at 4:55a PT | 7:55a ET | 12:55a UT
/moon goes void-of-course at 6:51a PT | 9:51a ET | 2:51p UT
until it enters Leo at 9:00a PT | 12:00p ET | 5:00p UT
A new Bright Hermetic Epoch (lasting through February 18) begins at 8:28a PT | 11:28a ET | 4:28p UT

One can see from the above that "all systems are go" beginning at 9a PT | 12p ET | 5p UT. Merry Christmas!

Life for human beings is seldom without problems, so I am cautious about predicting "all is roses," yet beginning at the above time today, and through tomorrow at least, we seem free from major difficult astrological omens. The rest is up to us, which should be easy if we manifest the spirit of Christmas.

Even those who have been feeling ill or under the weather seem to have boundless vitality. There could be illumination from spiritual teachings and aspirations, perhaps also from more material or practical studies. The sun's conjunction with Saturn, beginning now and lasting a couple of weeks, gives us a desire to be practical.

Politics is not absent, much as we might want to forget it. Those who want to revolutionize and reform the world may be active and verbal. We need finesse in thinking about political solutions. Where is the Center? I myself am a centrist more than a rightist or leftist. I wish more would look past the rigid dogmas and dead agendas on both sides. There is life in the Center. 

At this time of year we ought to be thinking of those hopeless or abandoned. They may be cast off onto the street, or hulking alone and lonely at home. Making one person's life cheerier is something at least. Even those who choose to be alone, attempting to be self-sufficient, nucleating their own substitute for a nuclear family, deserve respect and kindness.

The seeking soul and the longing heart are among us. The world is their laboratory for trial, error, and re-trial, and the light of intuition is burning somewhere for all. We can enter into naive, openhearted experiences with others and find that the world is friendly. We are each an individual Christ-lit facet of "The human soul receptive to growth and understanding." 

{Monday} ^Individual Centers Open to Friendly Understanding^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. How did you experience the |karmically difficult third| of this week? Actually it doesn't end until the time given above, early Monday. It was with us all day Saturday and here is what happened in Indonesia: "The tsunami struck about 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, when many Indonesians were at the beaches on western Java and southern Sumatra . . ."
--New York Times

It often affects the weather, as I have pointed out endlessly here, and we had a lot of rain on Saturday where I live. Some Sunday also. More basically it is internal, causing doubt or depression, but the reasons for that are spiritual, which is why I termed it "karmic." If one's "karma" is good it is generally less difficult, although since others are experiencing hard times one has to bear with them, as for example rescuers in Indonesia. 

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