Friday, December 14, 2018

Message for Weekend of December 15-16, and Longer Trends

Weekend and Longer Term Trends, Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 December 2018

First, some good news:  The coming week beginning Saturday and Sunday looks considerably better than the previous one. Many of the harder aspects are loosening up, and the trine between Mars and Venus is reinstating itself. So while we should not let our guard down, we may find that it is easier to feel on top of what is happening. Meanwhile, the Dark or Slow Hermetic Epoch continues until Monday December 24, and so I include the following which was posted last week but bears repeating:

There seems much confusion about the Hermetic Epochs. I have explained them endlessly here, six times a year since 1999, but people ask me what they are and what they mean, and we have many new readers. Here is a quick rundown.

Mercury goes retrograde (moves backward in the zodiac from geocentric perspective although of course continuing in its orbit around the sun) about three times a year. Mercury is Hermes, Mercury being the Latin name of the god and Hermes the Greek name. 

I discovered in 1978-1979 that it is not just the Mercury Retrograde period of about three weeks which is disturbing, upsetting, and difficult for everyone, but a longer period of almost three weeks before that period and almost three weeks afterward, or a total period of approximately eight weeks. I did this through careful, repeated, complex research into the past in regard to my own life, the lives of people I know, and historic events. 

I decided to call these approximately 8-week periods the Bright and Dark Hermetic Epochs. I might have called them the Fast and Slow Hermetic Epochs. From deep observation and experience, here are some ways of characterizing them

[There can be trouble with the formatting separating these lists. Blogger screwed it up, thanks Blogger. OH IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, BLOGGER WON'T LET ME DO THIS, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF. If using a phone you may need the horizontal view.]

Bright Hermetic Epoch (BHE)                              Dark Hermetic Epoch (DHE)
Quick thinking                                                    Slow thinking
Easy communication                                           Difficult,                                                                         complicated communication                                   
Relative ease in travel                                        Local and long-range                                                              travel often slow, delayed
Most mechanical and technological appliances work well  Many                                                                          mechanical and 
                                                           technological appliances work                                                                                         poorly
Focus on outward things, projects                       Focus on inward                                                                             things,                                                                                             worries, concerns
Assurance about decisions                                   Lack of assurance;                                                                         constant                                                                                                                                                                                   second-guessing about decisions
Objectivity                                                         Subjectivity
Things happen as normally expected                   Things happen in                                                                                    strange,                                                                                                                                                                                                unexpected ways
People seem reasonable, predictable                  People seem                                                                                     unreasonable,                                                                                                                                                                                 caught up in inner turmoil
Negotiations and agreements go smoothly           Negotiation is                                                                                     complex or                                                                                                                                     i                                   impossible; agreement out of reach
Normal living in business, society                        Inner living, dreams,                                                                                                                                             imaginings, psychic events, the paranormal
                                                                       Can be excellent for                                                                       research,                                                                                                                                                                             study, unusual thinking, discoveries,
                but usually these cannot be used maximally during the                                       period itself

And so on, as you might work out for yourself. But there is nothing "wrong" with the DHE periods any more than there is anything "wrong" with night. They require a different approach. Part of the Cosmic Piper or Cosmic Connection project is working to understand how to live through each DHE, since these are times when there are more tragedies in play, more self-doubt, even suicide. It is very important for us to understand how to get through each DHE without going berserk or else just feeling very depressed and doubtful about the value of our lives. We might even be able to make them just as peaceful and enjoyable as the BHEs, but this requires conscious understanding of what is going on. 

This time, the agenda is as follows:

Dark Hermetic Epoch began October 29 . . . (Mercury retrograde November 16 . . . Mercury direct Dcember 6). . . DHE ends December 23

Bright Hermetic Epoch begins December 24  . . . Mercury conjoins the sun, center of BHE, January 29 . . . BHE ends February 18

(Yes, the "center" of the BHE is not necessarily the center in terms of the length of ordinary time before and after the center.) 

If you ask me, What is the difference between the Mercury Retrograde period at the center of the DHE, and the two periods on either side of it, I answer, No difference, except possibly in degree. For example:  The planes hit the WTC on 9/11/2001 just hours after that DHE began. This was a very "Mercury Retrograde" sort of phenomenon, since it was disruptive, tragic, unexpected, and even now people don't know what really happened. But it occurred weeks before Mercury went retrograde, but on the first day of the DHE. (I hear people speaking of a "shadow period" to describe the times before and after the central MR period, but I have never used that phrase myself.) 

Saturday 15 December 2018
Moon in Pisces-->Aries
|The karmically serious or sobering third| of this week is with us (until Monday afternoon-evening)
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:50a PT | 6:50a ET | 11:50a UT
until it enters Aries at 4:45p PT | 7:45p ET | 12:45a(Su) UT

Sunday 16 December 2018
Moon in Aries
|Karmically serious or sobering third| of this week continues (until Monday afternoon-evening)

Cosmic Piper

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