Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Message for Thursday 8 March 2018

Thursday 8 March 2018

^Developing Patience^

Moon in Sagittarius

A man in a balloon with the dark clouds beneath him.  Experimentalist; investigator of the imponderables. Trials, but ultimate success.  c

A chubby boy on a hobbyhorse.  Emulation.  s

Two daggers crossed.  Contention or litigation. Incisive, aggressive. Want of harmony.  Wounding.  b 

A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country.  Exploitation.  s

A woman sitting on a tombstone in the act of weeping.  Sensitive and sympathetic. Lover of the shady side of life more than the sunshine.  c 

A man lying in a bed, a grey dark cloud hanging over him. His chamber also is dark and gloomy. Yet the horizon looks bright.  Affliction in younger days. In latter days, health and comforts.  c

A woman sitting in a chair as if conversing with someone. Her hands are folded lightly upon her lap, her face has a pleasant, smiling expression. She is loosely habited in a Grecian robe, her neck and arms are bare.  Easy manner, kind and accessible to all. Never cruel or harsh. Impulsive in passion yet gentle in manner. Lover of peace and harmony. Many friends.  Luxury.  b

The gloominess of some of the symbols is partly justified by the approaching squares of both Mercury and Venus with Saturn. This can indicate sorrow and separation. It fits well with the woman weeping at the tombstone; also with the man afflicted by ill health and yet recovering at last (Saturn teaches patience in trial). We can "ride the hobbyhorse" and live up to the cameo profile we have seen of ourselves in the outline of our nation, that is, carry on. The man in the balloon faces trials, but has "ultimate success."  

The beautiful image of the woman in the Grecian robe is heartening. This had an exact correlation to an unforgettable event in my past, when it came up one special day.

{Thursday}  ^Developing Patience^

Cosmic Piper

b: Signor Borelli, 19th century clairvoyant; interpreted by Sepharial who was Walter Gorn Old
c: Charubel, 19th century clairvoyant who was John Thomas
s: Sabian symbols which came through psychic Elsie Wheeler, interpreted by Marc Edmund Jones

The symbols and their interpretation are intended to apply basically during the hours from dawn to midnight. Often a planet will move from one degree to another during the day, so I use a time near mid-afternoon for all of them, so that they shall be exactly right during most, often all, of the daylight hours. The period from midnight to dawn could partake of the nature of either day or both. 

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