Friday, March 2, 2018

Message for Saturday 3 March 2018

Saturday 3 March 2018

}Gallant Effort Recompensed Generously{

Moon in Libra
|Karmically difficult third| of this week continues

A Chinese laundry.  Seclusion.  s 

A May-pole with a crown of flowers at the top, and a man climbing to procure it.  Sole object: popularity. The love of approbation predominates.  c  

An earthquake. Unexpected calamities. Let him be careful where he builds. He needs care, plus stronger faith in God, himself and man.  Reversal.  b 

A man stripped to the waist hewing timber.  Difficult work. Good will, an earnest soul. He will work to deserve more than his slender means. Rustic simplicity; maybe agricultural worker, or builder of a house or founder of a colony.  Labor.  b

A man habited in rough clothes hewing timber close to a log hut.  Contented and laborious. Adaptable to circumstances. Fashioning a world of one's own from materials which nature supplies. Industry, stability, virtue, humility.  Utility.  b 

A field of ripe corn ready for the sickle. A cloudless sky and brilliant sunshine.  Most fortunate for all mundane matters. Health of body, peace of mind, happy disposition, prosperous in transactions.  c

A harvest moon.  Benediction.  s 

I continue ill with a virus, though there are signs of improvement.  This day does not look cheery, what with Luna square Saturn (|difficult third|). However, we can get comfort and even pleasure from Venus's trine with Jupiter in water signs, something mystical or inwardly sweet and fulfilling. I leave the symbols to your own understanding.

{Saturday}   {Gallant Effort Recompensed Generously} 
Cosmic Piper

b: Signor Borelli, 19th century clairvoyant; interpreted by Sepharial who was Walter Gorn Old
c: Charubel, 19th century clairvoyant who was John Thomas
s: Sabian symbols which came through psychic Elsie Wheeler, interpreted by Marc Edmund Jones

The symbols and their interpretation are intended to apply basically during the hours from dawn to midnight. Often a planet will move from one degree to another during the day, so I use a time near mid-afternoon for all of them, so that they shall be exactly right during most, often all, of the daylight hours. The period from midnight to dawn could partake of the nature of either day or both.

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