Friday, April 22, 2016

Forecasts for Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April 2016

Saturday 23 April 2016

~Stimulating Undercurrents~

Moon in Scorpio, both Via Combusta and void-of-course   * < /

We do not need to despair because of the above. It is an uncertain or wavering time, perhaps. We may be attending to things other than what we thought we would be doing. We do things in out-of-pattern style. We may wonder at times "Is anything worth doing?" But staying with familiar and important routines is important to give ourselves a secure psychological basis; then engaging in more free-form interests or activities on top of them or around them could be rewarding. 

Stimulating flights above the ordinary are possible. There could be an undercurrent of loss or disillusionment, but that is inspiration-in-reverse. It propels us into that flight beyond the depletion or rupture in things which gives us renewed longing for deeper satisfaction in our lives.

Some undercurrents could be bleak, yet there is sunshine above them, either here now or ready to break through the clouds at any time. There could be a profusion of cultural blessings when we meet people on the basis of their special interests, if we are flexible enough to appreciate them in their own terms.

Seership emerges in us when we are sincere about sensing what is important to the whole human race apart from our separative ego. Then we would feel free to take wise initiatives on a small scale.

{Saturday} ~Stimulating Undercurrents~

Sunday 24 April 2016

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week all day (until very late Tuesday evening)
/moon void-of-course    * / |
until it enters Sagittarius at 5:47a PT | 8:47a ET | 12:47p UT   ** |

Deep things are happening, with the major T square among Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn getting sharper by the day. Yet lunar factors suggest that we are on top of things and able to cope with them. Still, the |difficult third| of this week has begun, lasting until very late Tuesday evening, almost three full days. There could be disattunement, lack of harmony, or exhaustion. Initiative in the area of thinking or study is needed, with Luna approaching Mars in Sagittarius. 

If you are taking a vacation from ordinary work, you can attend to more interesting matters and let them germinate even if they are inchoate and not ready for public daylight. 

Some individuals in the world may be so disturbed by what they imagine is going on that they are ready for revolution. Let us hope that does not take violent form. The liquidation of problems comes by following through with an assignment rather than by annihilating something that seems to be in the way. 

Your major task in this life may be coming clear to you, in ways you would not state before other people because they probably would not understand.  Yet you are receiving an invisible ordination to carry on with what you feel to be a thrilling journey in consciousness for yourself and others.

{Sunday}  ^Difficult Journey in Consciousness^

Cosmic Piper

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