Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 26 April 2016

Tuesday 26 April 2016


|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until 9:51p PT | 0:51a(W) ET | 4:51a(W) UT)   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:52a PT | 11:52a ET | 3:52p UT   * / |

It's important for us to keep our calm orientation, plus faith in ourselves and our previous agendas. It's all too easy on a day like this to feel that "nothing is working, why try" and get off into useless escapist side paths. "Old stuff" you need to finish or take care of, about which there is no question, is the best focus. Then, after that, some free-form musing, meditation, or relaxed non-purposive time to let your soul get its bearings and influence your living in a deep way. 

Transient things can be renounced, but not one's mission or commission. 

From the symbols for the day:

Her job allows no initiative or high ambition,
Just hard and dangerous effort. She is happy to support
Her children's climb above her station, rather than drift
To easy ways of comfort bought with lassitude.

The father of her children had a post of dignity
And privilege. He lost his foothold, falling into ways
Of decadence. The girl and boy they brought into the world
Show forth the best in them, finesse and well-earned honor.

They learned from their granddad and grandmother things they couldn't
Put in words. Traditions gently transmitted became
Deep instincts toward as much divinity
As any child shows forth beneath our moon. 

{Tuesday} ^Commission^

Cosmic Piper

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