Thursday, April 14, 2016

Forecast for Friday 15 April 2016

Friday 15 April 2016

^Some Potentials Realized^

Moon in Leo   ***

A new reader ask, "What is a Dark Hermetic Epoch?" Those of you who have been reading these reports for years know what it is. I will be re-explaining it over the next days and weeks. Briefly, it has the Mercury Retrograde cycle of about three weeks at its center, with two weeks or more on both sides of that, so that it adds up to something a little less than 60 days, while the alternating Bright Hermetic Epochs last for a little more than 60 days. The current DHE goes from April 14 to June 7. The terms Bright and Dark are metaphoric and mean a lot more than "hard" and "easy." If you think of what you do during the day, usually, versus what you do at night, usually, you will get some of the picture. The Bright Epochs are more rational and straightforward; the Dark Epochs are more intuitive (sometimes confusing) and circuitous (sometimes chaotic). But in reality neither is "better" or "worse" any more than the night is worse than the day. We need both. Without either we would be in trouble. The Bright is more practical and the Dark more dreamy.

That doesn't mean we can't shift for ourselves, think intelligently, and perform our roles, tasks, and jobs during the Dark Hermetic Epoch, just that the way we do it is likely to be, often, "out of pattern," perhaps more interesting, perhaps more free-form, perhaps too lackadaisical or even irresponsible. That is something we need to prevent. 

This time, on the very first day of the DHE, which was Thursday, 

1. My computer had shut down during the night. Why? It was supposed to be "sleeping" only. I do not shut it down at night. But this time it shut down totally unexpectedly.

2. Getting online took more time than usual. Google Chrome, my browser, would not work and I had to re-download it. Really annoying. 

3. A website which I use almost daily was not functioning properly. Information I had saved on it for 8 years was not available. That is the very first time that has ever happened, and it happened on the first day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch. It was something totally out of my control and for which I was not responsible. I hope the situation is temporary but don't know. Uncertainty is often something we have to deal with during a DHE. The seeming mechanical or technological failures and delays are typical also, usually associated with Mercury Retrograde, but the DHE is all similar to the MR period. 

4. I made a few more mistakes than usual in entering some information and had to spend more time than usual correcting the entries. 

5. I felt rather disoriented, although I carried on with most of my planned activities. It took more willpower than usual to force myself to do some of the things I always do. 

6. On the positive side, there were surprises, such as a restaurant I passed by having the Democratic Debate going, so I stopped in to watch it. I was glad to do so in a public place where people applauded, making it more interesting. But watching the debate took a couple hours and now I am behind with my schedule for the day and it's near bedtime. You will notice things like this happening. "Out of pattern." You take a side path to do something interesting and thereby put a dent in the "rational" schedule you had planned for yourself. This is either bad or good. Tonight I think it was good for me--I didn't want to miss that debate. It just made for some inconvenience, but also one task I was going to do tonight has to go by the board because I don't have time. 

Mercury is the mind, symbolically, and man (or wo-man) is the "manomaya Purusha" in Sanskrit parlance, the "mental being." Our minds go in different directions during the Dark Hermetic (Hermes is Mercury) Epoch. That can be bad or good. It can be fascinating.

Friday has good aspects. Mercury forms a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Pluto in earth signs. That is good for finance, business, and practical planning, or for making decisions of a practical nature.  During the DHE we need to be more careful about important long-range decisions and even avoid major ones when possible, sticking to what has already proved itself during the preceding Bright Hermetic Epoch. But today's Grand Trine mitigates that advice. When you think about financial or practical planning you probably know what you are doing. (Plus, the DHE gets decidedly "worse" or more difficult during its center, the Mercury Retrograde period, and we will not be there until April 28). 

Also today there is another Grand Trine formed by the moon with Saturn, Uranus and the sun. You can sense who you are and what your purposes are, whether or not you put that into verbal form. Your innermost self may be more conscious of its reality and its nature than usual. This wants to take more cogent form in outward manifestation, and the other Grand Trine in earth signs makes that possible.

{Friday} ^Some Potentials Realized^

Cosmic Piper

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