Friday, April 29, 2016

Forecast for Friday 29 April 2016

Friday 29 April 2016

}Deep Reflection{

Moon in Aquarius   **
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:08a PT | 3:08a ET | 7:08a UT
until it enters Aquarius at 1:48a PT | 4:48a ET | 8:48a UT

It seems we are going to be considering Mercury Retrograde today, and not much else, because that is what is hitting my consciousness in a big way, and I believe also for everyone.

It's the time when things slip out of control (for the next 21 days) but not always in an unpleasant way, sometimes just in an interesting way. I felt little incentive to do my ordinary routines today, though I did get some of them done reluctantly. Things go "out of pattern." Finally I decided I needed to get out of the house for a break and "reorientation" and I walked, without planning it, on a street I never visit, because I was not exactly sure where I was going--indecision about little things is part of MR (Mercury Retrograde). Walking down this "new" street which is only a 15 minute walk from my home, I saw a place I had never seen before, and the name over the door was "The Dark Bar." Fascinating, because as you know I have been writing here about the Dark Hermetic Epoch, and here it was staring me in the face. I walked in, but didn't like the somewhat creepy music playing, and decided that for the moment it was a little too "Dark" for me. 

Then I did some more routine things without problems, and decided to go to another place I often visit, but approached it by a different "out of pattern" route and when I got there sat outside on the patio without going in for about fifteen minutes, then decided against it and started on my way home. But then I sat on a big rock on a corner of 12th Avenue with my smart phone reading some of The Mother's Agenda from 1956. Just when Mercury turned Retrograde I went back to that year, because I had completed the year 1968 and wanted to go back to the previous year in the major, important 12-year cycle. Both were Years of The Monkey, as is 2016. As I sat on a rock I had never before graced with my derriere, reading avidly, I noticed how casually confused and disconnected all the passersby seemed to be. That is a standard MR phenomenon. Go to any street corner and stand or sit for 20 minutes and observe. You will see exactly what I mean. People turn around, look back, forward, sidewise, pause, as if they aren't sure where they are going. They almost bump into one another. Then you will notice old friends REacquaitancing, meeting one another joyously, stopping and perhaps hugging and then chatting exuberantly. This was happening today as I sat on the mossy rock, with a young couple who just did not want to stop talking. It seemed as if they were not yet in love but on the brink of it. Both were a little embarrassed, as fresh lovers often are, as if wondering "is this real or not?" I found it charming though a little annoying because I was trying to read rather than eavesdrop on their chatter. This is a recurrent MR phenomenon: People start talking and seem unable to stop. Either they're old friends catching up or new ones checking each other out. Everything each says brings up in the other's mind a whole series of related incidents or ideas, and then those are tossed out, and then more from the other side, on and on. Their gears have shifted and then started meshing with the Other's gears, for a while anyway, until Hermes says "Enough" and lets them go on their way. The boy this time had a hard time doing that and as his female friend went the other way he turned around with a huge smile on his face to cast some parting words in her direction. It seemed awkward yet totally understandable. He seemed to be feeling "Am I making a fool of myself, or is she impressed?" Now if you say, This could happen any time, I agree, but during MR periods these little incidents take on a life and color and a longer duration they just don't have at other times. We have gone Through the Looking Glass.

Finally I started on my way home, and again without planning to do so I went by a different route, and walked past a huge building I had literally never noticed before although it is within three blocks of my home. "Out-of-pattern" is a very big thing during MR. I wondered what in the world it was--it looked abandoned--but there was a light behind one window at least. When I crossed the street to get a better look I saw a Shield of David in the stone face and the word "Temple," so I assumed it was or had been a synagogue. But then in the corner which was lighted there were the words "Seattle Academy" and a young man vacuuming the floor. I walked to the door to ask him if the whole building belonged to the Academy (an art and performance school for high school students) or part of it was a synagogue. He was hispanic and spoke little English and did not understand what I was asking. MR---often there are failures in communication. MR--mysterious phenomena, such as, "What is this mysterious building, a synagogue still or not?" Some day I will get the answer, but not today. MR--the past, and this building looked more than a century old. 

I came home and meditated rather than writing this report. You will find yourself, if at all inclined to meditation, doing more of it during the MR period. Also perhaps taking more naps, or maybe just sitting and daydreaming. That can be very healthy, although of course we still face pressures to be "getting things done" and that can be one of the biggest conflicts during the MR period--do I force myself to do this boring thing, or let myself explore my own thoughts, fantasies, wonderings, and wanderings? I recommend balancing the two sides of your inclinations, as best you can, for each feeds the other, as it were. Rest and re-creation help you to focus better when you get back to tasks. 

It's late and that seems enough for now. On Friday we have a continuing grand trine in earth signs with the sun, Jupiter and Pluto, good for ordinary material, business, and financial purposes (but probably nothing new). Luna in Aquarius will be square the sun, good for strong energy directed to a purpose, while sextile Mars and Saturn, good for sage thinking because those two are in Sagittarius and both retrograde. The problems of friends, neighbors and family as well as your own problems have psychological and philosophical aspects which could intrigue you even if you have no definitive answers for them or for yourself. That's sort of where we are. I hope hearing about it makes it easier. 

{Friday}  {Deep Reflection}

Cosmic Piper

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