Sunday, April 3, 2016

Forecast for Monday 4 April 2016

Monday 4 April 2016

~Happy Days Again? Not Quite Yet~

Moon in Pisces
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues through Tuesday   ** |

We're in the thick of the |difficult third| of this week, lasting through Tuesday. Some may think that Mondays and Tuesdays are always the hard days, but this designation is based on lunar motions in relation to Saturn. The |difficult third| moves slowly backward so that in a month or two it will start to touch and then cover the weekends, but not yet. 

The sobriety extends to concerns about money; also friendship; and a need to communicate in difficult ways with friends, or with individuals at a distance. There is sensitiveness and a feeling that one is not understood. Remembering that others feel the same way could help. 

However, the fortunate trine of Venus with Mars, which began Sunday evening, continues to increase up to April 12 and then remains through the 19th. Lovers or friends may be developing more interest in one another, and before long we may be singing Happy Days are Here Again.

Bernie Sanders supporters would like to be singing that on Tuesday and I believe they may well be, since the charts look good for a victory for him in Wisconsin. But it is always dangerous for astrologers to predict political outcomes. 

I am not actively campaigning for Sanders, and I have no hostility toward Hillary Clinton. But it is so obvious that her campaign is financed by huge corporations, and his by very small donations from individuals who believe in his "democratic revolution." I choose the latter as the people I want to vote with! I am not a socialist, but it is obvious that Sanders's vision of democratic income equalization cannot get very far given the constitution of Congress, the courts, and our Constitution. However, he could make a real difference as President by marching to the drum of the people's interests rather than the interests of corporations. And the mere fact that they are not paying for his campaign, but rather young people with small incomes are doing so, means a lot to me. I "feel the Bern." 

And I totally agree with the Bernie supports in Los Angeles who demonstrated outside the studios of CNN, calling it "Clinton News Network." Not just CNN but all the standard media have virtually ignored Sanders's campaign. If they had given it half the attention they have given to Donald Trump, "a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal," Bernie would be far ahead in the delegate count. As it is, he still has a chance. It is amazing, almost miraculous, that a "small" but potent cutting edge of intelligent young people have propelled him as far as he has come. 

I did not intend to be political but I just read a few pieces about all this, such as I could find, although I had to dig to find anything about Bernie Sanders. Instead all the headlines on Google News and in the New York Times were "Trump this and Trump that." Disgraceful. For that reason only, Bernie deserves support--to spite the propagandistic media who have done their best to defeat him. I am not always for the underdog, but in this case he deserves my support, especially for his courage in coming out against capital punishment, a very important issue for me, because I believe in Jesus the Christ--persecuted, tortured and killed by the government. Bernie is Jewish. His basic decency says that the government should not be killing people. Amen to that. 

I would have said more about Monday but I felt inspired to say what I just said and hope it will not be offensive to those of you who hold differing views. Somebody, somewhere, has to take a stand for Principle, and whoever does deserves support.

{Monday} ~Happy Days Again? Not Quite Yet~

Cosmic Piper

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