Monday, February 9, 2015

}Heart of Love Conquers Chaos{

Monday 9 February 2015

}Heart of Love Conquers Chaos{

Moon in Libra
/goes void-of-course at 3:59a PT | 6:59a ET | 11:59a UT
until it enters Scorpio at 11:06p PT | 2:06a(Tu) ET | 7:06a(Tu) UT

Moon remains in the Via Combusta (possible loss of morale or reshuffling) until Wednesday

I can't claim it's an easy day, with both Via Combusta and void-of-course going on all day. But we shall carry on no matter what the confusions. Remembering the Eternal can be a salve from the tiny wounds of time. "Here below" in the "sub-lunar world" what seems exhausting or insufferable has other meanings Above, concealed from our lower vision. If we catch glimpses of That, we can remain calm.

Let's look at something nice: Venus remains in a sextile with Pluto, which has been happening for a few days. Who is in your life whom you appreciate? Someone, visible or invisible or both. This is a bright spot. It is love of some sort, either warm or cool, calm or exciting, interesting or reassuring. Thank heaven for that.

As for "the rest," this intriguing affectionate bright spot helps to cope with it.

He took the lonely path, thinking to rise ahead of all the
Others, and fell into the river off a broken bridge. 
An eagle swoops over him as he struggles in the stream,
Then a large white dove before a rescuer arrives.

Beneath a hollow tree lies a man on the ground, unable
Or unwilling to rise. A man in uniform, armed for battle,
Passes by. He asks what he can do. The lying one says 
Truthfully he doesn't know. The soldier tries to enlist him.

A child holds the man's left hand, another holds his right.
As he sees danger ahead, he freezes, chooses the best course,
Knows what to do to protect his beloved charges.
Invisible spirits have given guidance and blessing.

{Monday} {Heart of Love Conquers Chaos}

Cosmic Piper

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