Thursday, February 19, 2015

Forecast for Friday 20 February 2015

Friday 20 February 2015

^Early Springtide of Hope^

Moon in Pisces /void-of-course
until it enters Aries at 3:14p PT | 6:14p ET | 11:14p UT

A lot of things are happening to suggest increased activity. We are in the First Quarter of a New Moon. Venus and Mars both enter Aries (Mars yesterday, Venus today). (Surprise: My new heating system was installed the very day Mars, planet of heat, entered his own sign Aries. So far I am happy with it, though it has had some DHE problems.) These two paired planets plus the moon (time above) at the Vernal Equinox point (0 Aries) suggest a springtide today, a sense of fresh beginnings. 

All three are trine Saturn and sextile Mercury. This suggests excellent thinking, perhaps planning. Plans may still be a little premature but they are maturing by the day until March 3 when the Bright Hermetic Epoch begins. Have you been working out job, professional, or financial ideas in the past week or so? Probably a lot of them are exactly on, or will be when you get them in shape fully. 

Mars and Venus together in the critical degree of Aries suggest love and romance, of course, yet the conjunction is not as happy a relation between these two as the sextile or trine. It can be flamboyant, momentary, thrilling attraction which does not necessarily last very long. At a deeper level it could be your realizing to whom you are really married, or what; the Alchemical Marriage as the Western chemists of the Spirit called it. Your potentials and you are married, to manifest or womanifest in the world. You can realize that and thrill to it. It is your very own (Aries) secret, yet the world will see and know it--as other than you see and know it, most likely, but still wonderfully.

The horrid beheadings of the IS group do not deserve astrological dignification, but they do show the worst perversion of Uranus in Aries, sign of the head, squared to Pluto in Capricorn, sign of (sometimes) bad or oppressive government. This aspect will be exact in the middle of March, but because we will then be in a Bright Hermetic Epoch (until May 4), it may reveal its better, inspiring, uplifting side--a will-to-transformation which, rather than oppressing or coercing or violating others forces oneself to rise to one's soul's highest level of aspiration. Of course this is a little uneasy; it is a challenge. But it makes us the men or women we want to be. Let us hope and pray that we can bring out the best potentials of this aspect. They have been termed by Reinhold Ebertin "fanatic striving for transformation; strong sense of goals; creation of new conditions of life." Amen to all that.

The conditions which seem to imprison us or lock us in can be transformed and changed, though that take time. 

We should remember that the head and brain of aspiration (Aries) need to be humble enough to kneel (Capricorn, the knees) before the Highest without Whom they could do nothing. 

We can only do what we can do in one day, and the v-of-c period till late afternoon or early evening doesn't help, but some of the above is becoming realizable within us tellingly, before it becomes realizable outwardly in our worlds. That is certified by Jupiter's growing and uplifting trine with Uranus--planets of Enthusiasm and Freedom. We have seen what is best for us and we can go for it. We can become freer because enthusiastic about goals which fit into the cosmic patterns (trine). 

That hope kept alive may be more convincing and understandable in its details by evening.

{Friday} ^Early Springtide of Hope^

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Even more hope!: The following is an important Facebook conversation I had with another astrologer. We have, perhaps, much more time early Friday before the moon goes void-of-course:

Footnote to the void-of-course period on Friday 19 February:  A fine astrologer, Mo, brought up the following and it is important: 
Mo, That's one of those "vexed questions" in astrology. I used the American Ephemeris list of void-of-course data, which says the moon went void-of-course with its sextile to Pluto at 23:03 UT (GMT) which would be 3:03p PT | 6:03p ET. They say that because, being computer-generated, they foresee that before the moon gets to Venus, Venus will have left Pisces and gone into Aries. V goes into Aries when the moon is at 28 Pisces 03, I see from my animated program. So technically the moon will not aspect any planet before it leaves Pisces. Now, in horaries as Marc Edmund Jones does them (and I think John Lilly, and myself) a horary set up before Venus goes into Aries would not be "void-of-course" because it appears that the moon could conjoin it within the same sign. It amounts to two different definitions of "void-of-course." Another definition might say that the moon will go void-of-course Friday at 12:06p PT | 3:06p ET, when Venus enters Aries, so that after that even a horary chart would be "void of course." I am not sure which definition is more appropriate. It's a very good question. Fortunately this kind of complication doesn't happen often.

(a) American Ephemeris: v-of-c from 3:03p PT | 6:03p ET Thursday  until 3:14p PT | 6:14p ET Friday.  (as given in forecast initially)

(b) modified v-of-c: From 12:06p PT | 3:06p ET Friday until 3:14P | 6:14P Friday.

Experiment: Let's see which period seem more like void-of-course!

At this point, as I post at 1:27a PT | 4:27a ET on Friday, I feel that it is safe to consider the earlier period NOT void-of-course. I have gotten a lot done in an easy, efficient manner. I would be glad to hear your observations or input about this. At this point I would choose the v-of-c as: the period (b) above. That gives us more time. 

1 comment:

  1. The 3:30 (PST) worked for me. I just hit "the wall". (hahaha, must be time to go home from work...only an hour to go anyway...) NVMD - little things are still getting done.
