Thursday, February 5, 2015

Forecast for Thursday 5 and Friday 6 February 2015

Thursday 5 and Friday 6 February 2015

\Chaos Plus Resolution/

I should not use Mercury Retrograde (until February 11-12) as an excuse, in fact that could be a "sin" of those who know about it--making it worse by using it as an excuse for an attitude of futility. But I seriously do not believe that happens very much. I know this because most of the observational data I have used to understand the period derives from others' experiences, not my own.

Still, I have to say that my spotty, every-other-day, late reports recently are partly because I am giving myself slack. It somehow seems appropriate.

A non-astrological friend, the last time, four months ago, that Mercury was retrograde, went through a horrendous afternoon of forgetting his driver's license and glasses, parking overtime and incurring fines and having to waste hours recovering his glasses. He did not know Mercury was retrograde. When I told him of it he seemed open-minded. But he "studies science" and does not believe in astrology, which must mean he thinks I am rather dotty.

But a week ago he informed me that he had lost his glasses again, this time apparently "for good." Others in the room were even more anti-astrological than he, so I "whispered" across the room that Mercury was retrograde again. He looked abashed, and said nothing, not wanting to admit that it could have anything to do with losing his glasses.

Another non-astrological friend lost his cell phone in the last cycle. This time he has had better luck, and indeed he gave up drinking just before the retrograde and is continuing that salutary habit while it continues. This is good points for something constructive happening while Mercury is retrograde. "Reformation" is the word, of course, and it can be done, so let's remember that. We can "get our backs up" during the period and insist that we are going to carry out a resolution. (Another "re"-word.) That doesn't mean it is easy.

We all know about the recent plane accidents, a high school shooting, and the train-automobile wreck and debacle in New York State, which someone reported was "utter chaos." That is also the right phrase for what I am going through--"renovation" of my kitchen which has been going on for almost five weeks, with no kitchen available to me for that time, and loud pounding on the outside of the house on the other side of my apartment to which I had retreated, so I feel imprisoned in some kind of chaos and it is all I can do to keep up with sanity-saving routines. I hope writing this report will be one of them.

Meanwhile, when it comes to the moon being void-of-course, as it was all day Wednesday: A friend bought shoes that day, and now, a day later, says he wants to give them away because they are too small. Score one for watching carefully the v-of-c. But I also bought a pair of pants that day and so far see nothing wrong with them but haven't worn them outside yet. The friend also, yesterday during the v-of-c, got all excited about a bicycle he wanted to buy, reading about it online and contacting the seller. He was going to get it in a few days. I was skeptical, because of the moon being v-of-c. Then today he told me that very late last night he decided on a different bike. The moon, when he decided, had gone into Virgo and was no longer v-of-c.

It is not impossible to do something new during the v-of-c. Nor always wrong. Yesterday I somewhat reluctantly took advantage of a special deal to open an account in a new bank. I cannot say yet if it was a good idea. Will have to wait. But I chanced it and got a cash reward for doing so. Whether I will really want to transpose all my financial dealings to the new bank will be the test. I do not want to discourage anyone completely from doing anything new at all during those times, just to be thoughtful and cautious. 

As for "re" experiences, the ultimate, I suppose, is re-incarnation. Today, in the thick of the retrograde cycle, I received the following from Charles Tart:
It is not just about birthmarks, which seems rather boring, but about reincarnation itself and some interesting evidence for it. I recommend it as brief, easy to read and thought-inspiring. Professor Charles Tart is an important writer on paranormal topics and I have enjoyed corresponding with him. 

At another, simple everyday level, I have been going through things like: Last night there was no heat in my apartment for 12 hours, a very cold night so that I had trouble sleeping. Not only Mercury Retrograde but the moon was squaring Saturn exactly during the night, which often makes for colder or less pleasant weather (also for precipitation and it was raining last night). We need precipitation, so it cannot be said that it is "bad," but it is difficult in many ways. I have noted that often either heating problems or "colds" in the sense of ordinary bronchial infections turn up at such times. Extra Vitamin C could help, and extra zinc, during the periods I mark as the|difficult or sobering third| of each week (when there is the moon-Saturn problem).

Today I was told that someone had turned the thermostat to a wrong setting--Mercury Retrograde with its load of human errors--and that it shouldn't happen tonight. Maybe not, for the moon will be separating from that square with Saturn. 

I mention all these trivia to show that watching these trends, as I point them out in the daily data, is not a waste of your time.

Thursday 5 February 2015
Moon in Virgo, on course
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues all day

Friday 6 February 2015
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 12:03p PT | 3:03p ET | 8:03p UT
Moon in Virgo-->
/goes void-of-course at 2:10p PT | 5:10p ET | 10:10p UT

{Thursday-Friday} /Chaos Plus Resolution\

Cosmic Piper

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