Nine Days in early March 2015
* Probably a difficult day best used for basic necessary activities, including plenty of prayer, meditation and inspiration. Pulling back or being reclusive is probably not a mistake. Making allowance for others' problems is important.
** Same as * except less dire or confusing
*** A normal day, good for most anything, but during the current Bright Hermetic Epoch the best days are given four stars. The *** days have either the moon void-of-course or in the Via Combusta or they are in the |difficult third of the week|. But if two of those things are going on, they get only ** or *. For something really special such as a job interview, a really important meeting, decision or party, look for ****
**** Best for anything extremely important to you, or anything about which you have doubts and want to bless with the best astrological setup.
***** This will be rare, when general background supporting aspects are very positive. Better not to wait for it, but savor it when it comes.
Saturday 28 February
Moon in Cancer ***
/goes void-of-course at 9:54a PT | 12:54p ET | 5:54p UT **
Sunday 1 March
Moon in Cancer, void-of-course **
Moon enters Leo at 3:35p PT | 6:35p ET | 11:35p UT ***
Monday 2 March
Moon in Leo ****
Tuesday 3 March
Bright Hermetic Epoch begins at 8:49a PT | 11:49a ET | 4:49p UT, lasting until May 4 when the next Dark Hermetic Epoch begins
Moon in Leo ***
/goes void-of-course at 1:49a PT | 4:49a ET | 9:49a UT **
|Difficult, challenging, sobering third| of this week begins at 3:21p PT | 6:21p ET | 11:21p UT *
Wednesday 4 March
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues
/moon void-of-course *
until it enters Virgo at 3:59a PT | 6:59a ET | 11:59a UT **
Thursday 5 March
Moon in Virgo **
Full Moon of Pisces-Virgo exact at 10:07a PT | 1:07p ET | 6:07p UT
/goes void-of-course at 10:37a PT | 1:37p ET | 6:37p UT *
|Difficult, Challenging, sobering third| of this week continues until it ends at 8:19p PT | 11:19p ET | 4:19a UT **
Friday 6 March
/moon remains void-of-course **
until it enters Libra at 4:53p PT | 7:53p ET | 0:53a(Sa) UT ***
Saturday 7 March
Moon in Libra ****
Moon enters the Via Combusta at 11:11p PT | 3:11a(Su) ET | 7:11a (Su) UT ***
Daylight Savings Time begins, reflected in the Eastern time above. UT or Universal Time, Greenwich Mean Time, remains the same, in the summer four hours from ET.
Sunday 8 March
Moon in Libra and the Via Combusta ***
/goes void-of-course at 6:25p PT | 9:25p ET | 1:25a(M) UT **
Times given in Daylight Time until November (except UT which is a constant).
Cosmic Piper