Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday-Thursday 28-29 January 215

Wednesday-Thursday 28-29 January 2015

}Serious Friendship{

Note to those born in the sun-sign of Virgo (August 23-September 22 or so) and to those who care about one or more Virgo individuals:

Good news! The ordeals and sufferings of Virgo individuals are likely to recede later this year, after the sun enters their sign (August 23, 2015).

I have three special Virgo friends, for many years, and all of them have seemed to me to be in a "withdrawal" phase for quite a few months. I wondered what I had done wrong to offend them, at first, and then I realized that they were not just singling me out but were in a "rejecting" mood against everyone, as it were. Sour. I even mentioned here that Virgos, when they get older, may become sour and lose that youthful kindness which is one of the attractions and glories of the sign. That may, sadly, be true in some instances. Wasn't it Greta Garbo who was reputed to have said at a certain point in her life, "I vant to be alone!" She was a sun-sign Virgo. I felt that these three Virgo friends, one female and two male, were in just such a state of mind. Virgo is known as the "hermit" sign, sometimes, though not always, and the hermit trend can set in in their later years. 

However, I have just found something which explains why they may be going through a difficult time and a sour mood at present, since their birthdays in 2014. It is a method of "solar returns" for a whole sun-sign, for everyone born in that sign no matter what year. It applies to Virgos who are 9 as well as 90. I realize some may think this preposterous, but astrology is nothing if not preposterous! Thank heaven.

It works. I have been checking out the method for a few years and the proofs of its accuracy are piling up. Whether I can write and post here some forecasts for the sun-signs, for a whole year from birthday to birthday, is a question: I used to do that, for astrology magazines, for pay. Doing it is time-consuming and requires enormous research. I am not sure I have enough readers to make it worth while.

Anyway, the chart for Virgo individuals from August-September 2014 to August-September 2015 is a tough one. No wonder my friends are in sour moods. But the chart for 2015-16 is much smoother. I do not have time here to go into details. I just want to say, as first aid: Virgo, keep your head up. And realize that the discontent and hyper-criticism you are feeling against everyone or everything or the world as a whole or people as a whole or your special loved ones or relatives is a temporary thing. The planets are not ganging up on you but are giving you a tough time to bring out something in your character. You are therefore more likely to be thinking about serious, hard or harsh questions and issues, and feeling morose or hyper-critical or even angry at people, perhaps more than they deserve. You see into their faults, their ignorance, their mistakes, and it pains you. It pains you enormously. You may want to help but that requires sacrifice and tolerance and you may seem to run out of that. 

I cannot give you the complete answer as to how to maneuver through the rest of this year (seven more months) but I hope it will help you to know it is a special time of challenge and test. So you will not think you are losing it or that the world has lost it or that everything is going to pot (oh, I guess it is, in Colorado and Washington). Pardon the silly pun, Virgo, I am sure it does not please you! You seem to have lost your sense of humor, but it shall return.

The year beginning near your next birthday in August or September 2015 (until the same time in 2016) will be a relief. I do not have time to say more but I hope this will help you. Meanwhile, dealing with the issues you have now will prepare you for the best in that period. You have my sympathy. Best to you!

As for the rest of us, we are still going though the square between Venus and Saturn, plus the Mercury Retrograde period. You and I are both tired of my moaning and wailing about that. It has been hard for me at certain points but after the void-of-course period on Wednesday, when there were two stars ** in the Nine Day forecast, I felt a lot better and connected with a few friends who made me happy. This could be connected with Luna's trine with the sun in Aquarius later, in the evening, for Aquarius is a friendship sign.

And that will be with us also on Thursday, together with Luna's sextile with Jupiter, always inspiring, even though the |serious third of the week| remains. So "serious" friendship can be uplifting.

{Wednesday-Thursday}  {Serious Friendship}

Cosmic Piper

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