Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Forecast for Wednesday 7 January 2014

Wednesday 7 January 2014

^Keeping Up with the Dance^

Moon in Leo; Foci in 8, Regeneration or Shared Resources and 5, Pleasure or Offspring
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 11:52a PT | 2:52p ET | 7:52p UT

Happy Christmas! to our friends in Greece, Russia, other points east and west who celebrate the Yule on this date.

Some of you who have been working with these forecasts for years may tire of hearing about the Dark Hermetic Epoch but since it has just begun it is important to remind ourselves of what it can mean.

Superficially it can have all the peculiarities of the Mercury Retrograde period (which will arrive within the DHE, as always, this time from January 21 to February 11). The DHE itself ends March 3 (it began Monday January 5). 

1/5DHE--> [1/21MR-->2/11MR ends] -->3/3DHE ends

The whole two months is the "funny time" so many of you have come to recognize. It is actually with us nearly half of the time so we need to be accustomed to it. Little personal stories can often convey it. On Tuesday I had to go to an important business meeting and had never been in that neighborhood, so studied Google maps assiduously. Then I proceeded to get lost and had to walk for almost an hour to get myself there, asking probably five different individuals how to find the meeting place. This to me seems almost a normal happening during all of the DHE. One can "get lost" literally or metaphorically. Meanwhile, at home the landlord decided magically that this would be the proper time to remodel my kitchen so as of Tuesday I had to move into my bedroom rather than living room and endure the confusion and noise of the kitchen being torn apart. Another typical DHE occurrence--everything has to be "out of pattern," for example, making coffee in the bathroom rather than kitchen. And on and on. 

For yourself it might not be as stark, at this point, but maybe you get the picture from what I have just said. Things are out of pattern. 

This can be a joy as well as a challenge, of course! Learning to live in my bedroom has had good side effects. Moving virtually all of my possessions to new places has the tonic, invigorating effect that moving one's home can often have. So I am not totally complaining. The disruption, whatever it may be in your life, can be invigorating and has some important lessons and also has the value of bringing stimulating difference into your consciousness. 

Fortunately, the business meeting, after the delay in getting there, went very smoothly and I was pleased with the outcome. Then I did more "out of pattern" things including visiting a new store and going to a restaurant I hardly ever visit, spending too much time at that and getting home late and so writing this report late.

Out of pattern.

Wednesday has the moon in Leo, one of my favorite places for it to be--it is generally cheery and upbeat. Since it opposes Mars, young males could be a center of attention. (Tuesday its opposition with Venus may have made females the center or the focus. I wish I had mentioned that here because it was true in my case.)

There is a mixture of fun and seriousness, play and a need to keep attending to business, throughout the day.

{Wednesday} ^Keeping Up with the Dance^

Cosmic Piper

1 comment:

  1. Great insight today. Well done. Yep - things are changing up.
