Monday, December 29, 2014

Tuesday 30 December 2014


\Cute Cat/

A church I have been attending has a young pastor whose sermons are often puzzles put together to challenge the intellect. 

On Sunday he spoke of the Sabbath, and all the other days of rest which were commanded in Hebrew scriptures--more than I had realized, many holidays and some whole-week or two-week periods. I am sure that the farmers fed their animals, at least, during those week-long "rests" from work, but the idea was interesting to me and helpful. I am narrowing down to a Saturday sabbath for myself, with Sunday as an optional work day when needed. So I will have to write a foreshortened forecast for Sunday (if I continue with forecasts) on Friday and post it with the Saturday forecast because I will not "work" on Saturday.

As for the longer required "rest" days, why not the end of the year? I understand that in many European countries people have a whole week or more off from work at the end of the year. I am taking it this time. 

The Twelve Days of Christmas go through January 5, and January 6 is Epiphany.

The last straw came a few days ago when I struggled hard to write a forecast from the heart, which was more than a forecast but a solid broadcast of themes which I felt imperatively moving through the world-soul. Then I added a poem which took a long time to write and was one of my best

Only one person bothered to click on "like" on Facebook.

That was it. People can post a new photo of their cat and get 73 "likes" but when I pour out my heart and soul and work hard to correct the language to perfection and write a poem as well, I get only one?  I am obviously barking up the wrong tree (unless that cat is in it).

So, we shall see. If nobody cares for what I write, then I shall keep the forecasts and poems to myself, or write only poems and publish them elsewhere. Happy 6th Day of Christmas!

{Tuesday}  /Cute Cat\

Cosmic Piper

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