Monday, December 8, 2014

Forecast-Meditation for Tuesday 9 December 2014

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Sun in Sagittarius; Moon in Cancer-->Leo; Foci in 8, Others' Resources and Regeneration and 5, Offspring and Pleasure   ***

/moon goes void-of-course at 4:16p PT | 7:16p ET | 0:16a(W) UT   **
until it enters Leo at 7:15p PT | 10:15p ET | 3:15a(W) UT   ***

~Transcendent Discovery~

It's a peculiar time in many ways. Someone wrote to me asking if Mercury was retrograde. No, and we are in the center of the Bright Hermetic Epoch, when Mercury is offering no problems. They come from elsewhere.

The most obvious culprit would be Uranus's square with Pluto. Since this is a very long-term aspect (it began by a ten-degree orb in March 2009), we look at its tighter orb, and find that there has been a two-degree square between these two since November 4 and a one-degree square since November 23. This last will continue through April 6, 2015. That is a long time for a very difficult aspect to last. We can see that it has a pretty close correlation with the questionable police killings and the huge reaction to them. Pluto, as ruling Scorpio, can be law-and-order people such as cops, and perversely enough it can be the opposite, criminality and gangsterism. That is because, perhaps, it takes a sort of "criminal mentality" to be a good cop or detective, the Scorpio ability to figure out covertly what the "opposition" is likely to do. Uranus of course is the planet of freedom, which feels intensely, in the protests, that individual freedom, even the right to life, is being trampled on. 

But this is not all this aspect means. In your individual life, Pluto might represent now everything you are "up against," whatever seems inimical. Uranus represents your attempts to come to grips with that, whether wise or incendiary. It can be a battle between good and evil in the individual consciousness. This may be why so many feel "stressed out" despite the nice Holiday trine of the sun, Mercury and Venus (in Sagittarius) with benefic Jupiter (in Leo). That grants generosity and so the gift-giving season is not being totally squelched by the aforementioned square. Praise the Lord!

He's been on battlefields, engaging in fierce contention
And almost losing his life. He watches his conduct now
More carefully. He likes to dig, in archaeological research, 
Discovering dark secrets while ignoring friends' advice.

This man seems still a teenager, experimenting with
Grotesque hair styles, nose rings, fantastically designed
Tattoos. But when he settles down he turns to one
Whose bright and peaceful mind attracts sage followers.

Her intelligence, high and subtle, seems restrained
By her work. Others use her for their purposes.
Only her guru, transcendently beyond all oppositions,
Can bring her peace, and firm protection when it's needed.

{Tuesday} ~Transcendent Discovery~

Cosmic Piper

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