Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 26 January 2011

Forecast for Wednesday 26 January 2011\

~Training Ambition Toward Success~

The trend this week has been from worse to better, with Monday-Tuesday being the hardest, Friday probably the best, but today and Thursday are improvements. No, that is not because people anticipate the weekend. I am speaking in terms of astrological aspects, and not only the lunar ones.

The square between Mercury and Saturn has been sharpening the mind so it can focus on difficult matters, some of them legal or semi-legal, or business decisions which require careful strategy and action. Yet today Mercury's good (so-called minor) aspects with Jupiter and Neptune suggest optimism and prosperous potentials, even in connection with real estate or rentals. Choices in connection with your home are straightening out, even more tomorrow.

Intensity of passion: this could be compelling, probably of a sexual nature, or it could come out in sports or games as a passion to win. You may be lucky in either domain, finding your powers more effective than you had realized. You are resourceful and penetrate to essentials speedily.

Strength develops in interpersonal relations, as if two or more were developing energies together to meet a common foe or rise above obstacles. There is something fateful or destiny-laden in this. Who, or which partnership, is going to be first to accomplish something? Such rivalry has a healthy side. Resources are available to help you succeed. You might stumble over yourself when emotions defeat reason, but blending the two puts you back on your feet.

Energetic and alert, you get things done quickly, especially when pleasure lies at the end of the effort. Ordinary, simple things you do are bringing plenty into your life. You may question that, because the moon in the Via Combusta is a decline in morale. Still, you dramatize your expectations in a forward manner, but could go too far so as to antagonize people if they sense you as vindictive (sun conjoined to Mars).

Yet there is much personal magnetism, both in yourself and others who come into your orbit. Turned one way, the magnets repel; turned the other they attract.

Seeing clearly what you need to do, through appropriate windows, means you are able to do it. Mastery on the mental plane translates itself into physical mastery. No matter what you think about your personality or appearance, when you feel comfortable, wherever you may be, people are drawn to you.

You are examining so many things with childlike curiosity and thrill, and therefore can be a means for discovered eventualities to appear in the world through your job or profession.

{Wednesday} ~Training Ambition Toward Success~

Cosmic Piper

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