Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Forecast for Thursday 13 January 2011

Thursday 13 January 2011

\Contentment plus Allurement/

Much seems to be coming together profitably and promisingly. And I do not think that is a vague promise---I think you will see just what it means for you.

Wisdom from on high blends with a fortunate turn of practical events. The moon in Taurus is an excellent placement, the sign of its exaltation, and it forms good aspects with planets in Capricorn. This provides a picture of businesses up and running with solid fundamentals and humming transactions.

There is always some accounting, but it should be mostly in your favor. I would recommend doing your taxes between the dates of January 18 and March 17, the Bright Hermetic Epoch. There is less chance for error and things go more speedily.

Today you are likely to know exactly what to say and do to get just the response you want from people.

There is sincerity in friendship. People are able to confront issues without rancor. No matter how many times a friend has "gone under" difficulties, you are there to help him or her rise above them. You feel consecrated to something lasting and real, which makes your goals more than evanescent dreams. All are feeling the septile between Mars and Venus discussed in Monday's report, which fosters happy even if fateful relationships.

There may be a bit of lassitude when you are so confident you let things drift, but you can overcome it by remembering your schedule, which, if you adhere to it as well as you can, will make you feel better. Your home or headquarters is a happy center of creative accomplishment. You get confirmation that things are working out successfully in your career as well as personal life.

Contemplating nature, or human nature, and the goodness in both, will lift you toward internal peace and external accomplishment. The latter will happen not through forced struggle but because you are who you are and want to be that fully. You surrender to what is primary, and then guide, gently, others toward it so they may have freedom from fretting. You read the signs around you, which point to what can be done as well as what can be appreciated contentedly.

There is something easy and pleasant about your job. Those with whom you work, above and below you, are easy to get along with. The result could almost be passivity, which is all right to a degree, since prosperity is meant to be enjoyed. There is also allurement, happy attractions between people whether of the same or opposite sex, romantic inclinations which give color and warmth to everything significant to you at this point within an improving situation.

{Thursday} /Contentment plus Allurement\

Cosmic Piper

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