Thursday, January 27, 2011

Forecast for Friday 28 January 2011

Friday 28 January 2011

*Prospects Transmogrify Toward Friendliness*

I suggested that this might be the best day of the week, for most; and not because of traditional TGIF but changing astrological aspects including lunar ones. I hope that proves true for you.

There is somewhat less of a feeling of fateful uncertainties, as if balanced on a precipice, and more of a feeling of "can do" although one knows one must work with the highest agencies available to one's consciousness, preferably spiritual agencies while Mars and Jupiter are in a septile. The man of action and the man of principle need to be at one.

You are determined to take charge of your life and are bringing your subconscious needs and desires into your conscious orbit of understanding and action. You are idealistic and inclined toward beauty of a stark sort, even that of urban architecture. Friends, especially female, are coming into their own in your realization of what they mean to you.

People long for that ideal kingdom where "the lion lies down with the lamb" because they are tired of conflict and ready for easy camaraderie.

When people feel they are struggling out of chaos, they need to pledge themselves (at least temporarily) to something. Even the skeptical may be converted to what you know if you really know it. People defend their loyalties dramatically. The offerings they make to the world, and receive from it, in their ordinary daily rounds are a backdrop of security.

There is nothing wrong with displaying yourself, your powers and glories, in your environment. Your strength combines elements of masculine fortitude and feminine sagacity. When humor is released it can cleanse the hearts of those who laugh spontaneously. Something you have studied alone, not able or willing to share, is asking for a channel through which others might appreciate it, even if they snicker. Your light need not be hidden under a bushel.

Happy coincidence lights your path so that you feel the world is showing you what to do and where to go. You do not have to stumble over yourself by being overeager, or unintentionally create conflict by being obstreperous. Rather you can let your inspiration flow out freely through words and acts. Someone who brings you ecstasy awakens talented ingenuity. Appreciation of you comes and goes, but will come again, so there is no reason to feel neglected.

With Venus lacking strong support through aspects, affections may feel insecure or restricted, but you have freedom to change that by entering fresh situations in order to realign yourself with humanity. Letting yourself go while hanging out in interesting places could be an answer. Or you might turn to scientific or naturalistic interests and find friendship with nature itself. When human friends feel they are not bound to each other, alignments transmogrify in happy directions.

{Friday} *Prospects Transmogrify Toward Friendliness*

Cosmic Piper

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