Sunday, January 30, 2011

Forecast for Monday 31 January 2011

Monday 31 January 2011

\Patience, with Realistic Assertion/

You may feel your character is under stress and being tested. Today and most of Sunday and Tuesday are the |difficult or worrisome third of this week| but of course I say that only so you will have some warning, so that you could rise above worry if you know a strategy for doing that. (If you asked me mine, I would have to preach a sermon.)

People you like are going through these stresses also, so you can make allowance for them if they seem remote or uncaring. They may be thinking about coming changes in their lives and not sure exactly how to plan for them.

Whether there is actual evil in people is a question debated for centuries. Whatever the answer, we all know that sometimes people appear evil to us, and whether this is explained as psychological misfortune, obsession by evil spirits, failure to understand the deeper truths of being, or other factors, you may be tested today as to your particular answer. That means you have to ramp up your spiritual philosophy so as to face what looks wrong in people. It might help to see them as learning and growing through many lifetimes. They think their rights and privileges are such and such, while "the world" sees such rights otherwise. We need patience with one another while trusting in a higher power.

Through all this, people paint one another in false colors derived from jaundiced or prejudicial viewpoints. This can lead to wrong legal actions. We ought to trust laws of karma more and human laws less. Being truly hospitable toward one another is a great secret known to the humble.

"All I want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold night air, and an enormous chair: Oh wouldn't it be loverly!" Such is a thought is in many minds, You care about your living quarters and their condition. You study indications of your finances and how you might prepare for better security, trying to avoid foolish presuppositions. (It might help to get taxes all done by March 18 rather than April 18). You are alive to your own interests and mostly realistic. You may wonder how a desire for travel, or change of home, could fit in with your financial status. Assertion based on realism will win, not overeager assertion.

Beauty in the arts and literature is a wonderful thing, never to be despised or overlooked because "the world is too much with us." Venus sextile Neptune is something ineffable you love. Venus squared to Jupiter and Uranus is harder, and will be with us for another week and more. Differences of opinion, whether in politics or religion or even deeper and more subtle realms, may be more on the surface than we realize. Yet you sculpture your soul, as it were, by being true to yourself. That may mean disagreeing openly at times with those who resist, yet never in a way to depreciate the other's sincere viewpoint.

Serving those who do not seem at first to be worthy of your service is something you may need to do, to satisfy your soul's longing for nobility.

{Monday} /Patience, with Realistic Assertion\

Cosmic Piper

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