Monday, May 3, 2010

Forecast for Tuesday 4 May 2010

Tuesday 4 May 2010

}True Kindness is Effective{

In the morning, with the moon sextile Uranus, you could expedite ordinary things. This could involve correspondence or information.

There are two void-of-course hours, in the afternoon in North America, just before the moon enters Aquarius at 1:53p PT | 4:53p ET | 8:53p UT.

So with a lunar aspect to Uranus plus that satellite entering the sign ruled by Uranus or Ouranos, sky-god, there is a desire for freedom.

Yet with Neptune rising, also in Aquarius, your very freedom will call out for some responsibility, something you can do which makes you feel you are doing something valuable for the human race or someone.

You may be looking at yourself and others from a very critical and suspicious viewpoint. That is good! Why? Because the human race is evolving and we need to take a good hard long look at ourselves in order to rise beyond our failures. There is a side of me, and probably of you, which does not want to look at my failures, which wants to ignore them and point out to me what a great guy I am in comparison with others. We have to be aware of that weak part of ourselves whenever we are congratulating ourselves and be harder in our self-judgment so we can do something better than what we have been doing.

Saturn's opposition with Uranus is stimulating that self-critical side in everyone. With whom have you been treacherous, not even realizing that you failed to keep promises or disappointed someone radically? Not an easy thing to see in oneself. There are some things which your parent, your best friend, or even G*d may not tell you about yourself, which you have to see for yourself, and take yourself in hand.

(Or, let us say, G*d would tell you if you were fully open to Him/Her; but who is?)

Inflammations or boils or something similar may be happening in those who have been overbearing and destructive. The attempted bombing in Times Square, which fortunately was prevented, is a symbol of Mars square the sun. The constructive use of it is putting your energy where your best intentions are, and pushing on through barriers. This you can do when you have strong purpose, for these two planets are in fixed signs. You are not bombing people or buildings but eliminating obstacles.

Your career area is being enlightened by stalwart research faculties within you, which you turn upon the past to see where you went wrong before and where you went right, as preparation for future rightness. Call it trial and error, but in a very deep and thorough manner. You could convince important people of something they need to understand.

It is good to be clean and avoid infections, or hidden virus or insect problems. It is good also to avoid poisons of any kind, which could include some so-called medicines, and alcohol if misused. You want to help people sacrificially, and that is commendable so long as you are sure what you are doing is really helpful and not a form of make-work which misses its mark. I am not discouraging you from these important acts of kindness, merely suggesting that you analyze them to be sure you do them effectively rather than wastefully.

By evening the moon is moving toward a trine with Venus (exact tomorrow afternoon) which will amplify the continuing sextile of Venus with Mars (until May 20 by a ten-degree orb). So it could be a relaxed and pleasing evening in a friendly comfortable environment where you feel at home.

{Tuesday} {True Kindness is Effective}

Cosmic Piper

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